The Nature Conservancy The Future Forest The Appalachians are a refuge for wildlife, but the world around them is changing. Scientists are researching how to make the forest more resilient. Read the Story Explore Where We Work Stepping Up Progress in this Defining Decade...
This is how and why The Nature Conservancy conserves and restores forests around the world. Protecting the Amazon Rainforest and Basin The Amazon Rainforest is Earth's greatest reserve of life. Explore how our lives are tied to this unique place and how we can protect it. ...
In July of 2003,The Nature Conservancy(the Conservancy) and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service signed a Memorandum of Understanding for the purpose of “collaborating to accomplish forest management goals and objectives” on properties managed by both parties in Pacific County, Washington (U.S. Fish ...
Nature Reviews Earth & Environmentthanks Hailin Zhang, Nanthi Bolan and the other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review of this work. Publisher’s note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. ...
review or meta-analysis. Second, we extracted only limited information on the specific pathways and mechanisms by which conservation affects human well-being, directly or indirectly. In part this was due to the inconsistent and subjective nature of how these data were reported by articles as well...
They are the Climate Change Council of East Kalimantan (Dewan Daerah Perubahan Iklim or DDPI Provinsi Kalimantan Timur), Conservation International (CI) Indonesia, The Nature Conservancy (Yayasan Konservasi Alam Nusantara or YKAN), and GIZ Forest and Climate Change (GIZ Forclime). The last group...
Nature Climate Change volume 9, pages 817–828 (2019)Cite this article 19k Accesses 370 Citations 658 Altmetric Metrics details Abstract The Paris Agreement introduced an ambitious goal of limiting warming to 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels. Here we combine a review of modelled pathways and...
K.N.S. acknowledges funding from the Indian Collaborative for Applied Sustainability Solutions (ICASS) initiative (project number P117654-ICASS) funded by the Tata Trusts to The Nature Conservancy-India. Author contributions Conceptualization, K.N.S., K.S.B., S.P., and J.M.K.; data, K....
Define Conservation of wildlife. Conservation of wildlife synonyms, Conservation of wildlife pronunciation, Conservation of wildlife translation, English dictionary definition of Conservation of wildlife. n. A species present in such small numbers that i
Here we couple an extensive literature review with an expert elicitation on 43 pathways and find that at present the most used pathways, such as tropical forest conservation, have a solid scientific basis for mitigation. However, the experts suggested that some pathways, many with carbon credit ...