Chapter topics include Soil Erosion and Its Control, Soil Acidity, Soils and Chemical Pollution, and Organisms and the Ecology of the Soil. For individuals interested in soil and the environment. The Nature and Properties of Soils, 14th Edition 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书 The Nature and ...
The Nature and Properties of Soils. 15th edition This edition updates a narrative that has been at the forefront of soil science for more than a century. The first edition, published in 1909, was largely a guide to good soil management for farmers in the glaciated regions of New York S.....
Buy The Nature and Properties of Soils [Global Edition] (9781292162232) (9781292020792): NHBS - Raymond R Weil, Nyle C Brady, Pearson Education
内容提示: Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 95 (2003) 393–396Book reviewsThe Nature and Properties of Soils, 13th EditionN.C. Brady, R.R. Weil, Prentice Hall, Upper SaddleRiver, NJ, 960 pp., ISBN 0-13-016763-0As might be expected from a book that has beenevolving for nearly a...
engineeringpropertiesofsoils, nonsilicatecolloids,inner-andouter-spherecomplexes,nuclearcontamination,radioactivewastestorage, effectiveCEC,theproton-balanceapproachtosoilacidity,acidandnonacidcationsaturation,acidsulfate soils,acidprecipitation,aridregionsoils,irrigationwaterquality,biomoleculebinding,soilfood-web ecology...
十几年前,我就有把The nature and properties of soils先前的版本译成中文的想法,但没有落实。七年前, 科学出版社的赵峰分社长找到我, 让我推荐一本国际公认和权威的土壤学教科书, 由科学出版社引进,并将其译成中文出版。这就有了翻译工作的开始,随后与国内相关高校,浙江大学、华中农业大学、湖南农业大学、西安...
TheNatureandPropertiesofSoils, 13thEditionbyRayR.Weil GoodInformativeBookWillTeachYouALotAboutSoil ForIntroductiontoSoilsorFundamentalsofSoilSciencecourses.Alsofor coursesinSoilFertility,ForestSoils,SoilManagement,LandResources, EarthScience,andSoilGeography.Nowinitsthirteenthedition,The NatureandPropertyofSoilsisdesi...
THE various text-books on soil science that have been produced by Prof. Lyon and his associates at Cornell University overlap one another to a certain extent. Much of the present volume will also be found within the pages of “Soils: their Properties and
Featuring new photographs, diagrams, and special “boxes” , The Nature and Property of Soils is an engaging book for readers. It has an ecological approach that explains the fundamentals of soil science effectively. Chapter topics include Soil Erosion and Its Control, Soil Acidity, Soils and Che...