The National Wildlife Federation has called the species a “nearly perfect predator,” and among the survival skills, fine-tuned over 40 million years of evolution, is a talent for invisibility. Can you spot the mountain lion in this photo? Expand photo A mountain lion in the brush of Rona...
As a result of the recent introduction to Georgia and rapid subsequent dissemination North to the Russian Federation and subsequently East to China and Southeast Asia and West as far as East Germany, genotype II p72 group ASFV represents by far the most geographically widespread of the twenty-four...
Mechanical Puzzles in The Big Game Hunter permanent collection: 16-strip folding puzzle, laminated, Sjaak Griffioen, Netherlands 3D Geometrex, 2000, Sarcone -Waeber, Rex Games, San Francisco, CA; wood packing puzzle 4 x 4 sequential movement color puzzle, Tomy Pocketmate, Japan; plastic 6 Aust...