ThenewCyberCommand,ifapprovedbyCongress,wouldberunbyLt.Gen. KeithB. Alexander,headoftheNationalSecurityAgency. 新的网络司令部,如果国会通过的话,将由基思·亚历山大(KeithB.Alexander)中将担任,他是国家安全局的负责人。 6. In theothercorneristheNationalSecurityAgency(NSA),whichthinksitoughtto ...
The National Security Agency (NSA) is a federal government intelligence agency that is part of the United States Department of Defense and is managed under the authority of the director of national intelligence (DNI). The intelligence agency, led by the director of the NSA, does its global mon...
国家安全局的英文是什么 国家安全局用英语怎么说 国家安全局怎么读 拼音:,拼音 [guó jiā ān quán jú] 国家安全局翻译:国家安全局的英文 NSS,国家安全局也可以翻译为 Nsa,还可以用 NSB; The National Security Agency 表示国家安全局。 国家安全局的意思 国家安全局的翻译 国家安全局的解释 国家安全局的发音...
On 16 December 2005, the New York Times reported that the President had authorized the National Security Agency (NSA) to spy on Americans, inside the United States, without first obtaining a warrant from the secret FISA court. Although the President has described the NSA activities to be legal...
The National Security Agency (NSA) Prism program taps in to user data of Facebook, Google, Apple and others The National Security Agency (NSA) has acquired regulate access to the frameworks of Google, Facebook, Apple and different Us web mammoths, consi...
In 2007, the National Security Agency(NSA) started a top-secret surveillance program PRISM to monitor global communication, including that of the US citizens, from the servers of nine such Internet giants as Google, Facebook and AOL. In June, 2013, the former defense employee and subcontractor...
The National Security Agency (NSA) is a US government intelligence agency that is part of the US Department of Defence and is led by the director of national intelligence (DNI). From its headquarters in Maryland, the intelligence agency, led by the director of the National Security Agency, ...
In 2007, the National Security Agency(NSA) started a top-secret surveillance program PRISM to monitor global communication, including that of the US citizens, from the servers of nine such Internet giants as Google, Facebook and AOL. In June, 2013, the former defense employee and subcontractor...
Today, the National Security Agency is a branch of the United States government's Department of Defense that specializes in the acquisition and analysis of communications from foreign nations. The NSA also closely analyzes foreign intelligence as it relates to national security. The NSA conventionally...
Noun1.NSA- the United States cryptologic organization that coordinates and directs highly specialized activities to protect United States information systems and to produce foreign intelligence information National Security Agency Defense Department,Department of Defense,DoD,United States Department of Defense,...