National development planThis publication, the first in a series of three, considers the feasibility of the central economic growth target that is set out in South Africa's National Development Plan 2030. It then explores some of the associated human development targets.The paper first looks at ...
At regional and multilateral levels, the BRI has supported regional integration and global development by aligning with plans such as the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity 2025, the ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific, the African Union’s Agenda 2063,...
First, as the paper shows, ‘new’ national development planning is largely a practice-led paradigm with a body of knowledge, concepts and practices that relate both to state responses to economic globalization and to how they plan to implement Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development. As shown ...
The National Development Plan 1994-1999Barrett, SeanIrish Government. 1993. The national development plan 1994-1999. Dublin: Government Stationary Office.
At the China-Africa Internet Development and Cooperation Forum in August 2021, China announced its intention to formulate and implement a joint China-Africa Partnership Plan on Digital Innovation in Africa. (三)社会合作方兴未艾 3. Growing Cooperation on Social Development 中国积极同非洲开展减贫、卫生...
In November 2020, China unveiled a development plan for the industry from 2021-2035, listing five strategic tasks: improving the country's technological innovation capacity, building new types of industry ecosystems, advancing industrial integration and development, perfecting the country's infrastructure ...
Data sharing plan for nonimaging data (including physiological data, tfMRI onset/offset and duration, full behavioral data and genetic data) is to make them available as soon as feasible via quarterly release on the Science Data Bank and CHCP websites, after careful data processing, quality ...
THE2030AGENDAFORSUSTAINABLEDEVELOPMENT 1 Preamble ThisAgendaisaplanofactionforpeople,planetandprosperity.Italsoseekstostrengthenuniversalpeaceinlarger freedom.Werecognisethateradicatingpovertyinallitsformsanddimensions,includingextremepoveliy,isthe greatestglobalchaIlengeandanindispensablerequirementforsustainabledevelopment....
2025 Action Plan for Stabilizing Foreign InvestmentUnveiled 02 有序扩大自主开放、提高投资促进水平、增强开放平台效能、加大服务保障力度,《2025年稳外资行动方案》2月19日对外发布,从4方面提出了20条措施。 2025 Action Plan for Stabilizing Foreign Investment, released ...
Joint development and benefits sharing. We respect the will of the countries along the Road, take into account the interests of all parties and give play to the comparative strengths of each. We will plan together, develop together and share the fruits of cooperation. Together, we will help ...