With the establishment of the 2050 Net Zero Carbon Emission policy by the Executive Yuan, the National Development Council (NDC) has [...] AIoT Solutions Subscribe to Our Blog Stay up to date with the latest hardware, tips and news Subscribe Subscribe to MSI Newsletters Please check the box...
Once infected, the elderly -- the group that is especially vulnerable to COVID-19 -- will see higher severe case and death rates than other groups, according to Zheng Zhongwei with the vaccine research and development working group under...
NDCNew Deal for Communities(UK) NDCNational Dairy Council NDCNew Distribution Capability(airline marketing) NDCNeighborhood Development Company(various locations) NDCNational Documentation Centre(National Hellenic Research Foundation, Athens, Greece)
ashows the development of hydrogen energy (unit: EJ). The box plot shows the first quantile, intermediate range (IQR), and third quantile of all the results, where the data range within 1.5 times the IQR is denoted with whiskers. The thick blue line represents the pathway of the NDC scen...
In December 2016, the State Council published the 13th Five-Year Plan for Ecological and Environmental Protection (2016–2020). According to the plan, China’s 338 largest cities must meet “good” levels of air quality 80% of the time by 2020, compared with 77% in 2015, and large ...
Improving overall planning and coordination in response to climate change. The response to climate change covers a wide range of areas; therefore, to improve coordination and pool strengths, China has set up a national leading group headed by Premier of the State Council and with officials from ...
Tensions within the community were visible at Seattle City Hall on Tuesday as a noisy hearing culminated with a 6-1 vote with a majority of the council agreeing that caste discrimination crosses national and religious boundaries and that without such laws, those facing caste discrimination in the ...
At the moment the Ministry of the Environment coordinates the development of a National Strategy for the Implementation and Financing of the Brazilian NDC to the Paris Agreement (SI.5). Other examples exist of Nexus legislation in Brazil. The 2013 National Policy on Integration of Farming, ...
Methane’s short atmospheric life has important implications for the design of global climate change mitigation policies in agriculture. Three different agricultural economic models are used to explore how short- and long-term warming effects of methane