1993年《国防授权法》(the National Defense Authorization Act)第837节(a)款对1988年法进行了修订,该修正案又被称为伯德修 …jpkc.rucil.com.cn|基于15个网页 2. 美国国防授权法 美国国防授权法(the National Defense Authorization Act)绕过网络审查(英文) 开放网络运动 国际自由交换意见组织 检测世界 …zh.wik...
The National Defense Authorization Act: A Look AheadMichael E. Williams
When proposed legislation cannot gain enough votes to pass both houses of Congress, the National Defense Authorization Act is oftens used as a means to get the proposed legislation formalized into law. On December 11, 2020, Congress passed and approved the National De...
In this episode of our Eyes on Washington Podcast Special Miniseries about the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), National Security attorney Dan Sennott is joined by Government Contracts attorney Eric Crusius. Their conversation focuses on cybers
On December 22, 2023, President Biden signed the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024 into law after bipartisan congressional majorities approved the bill earlier in the month. The annual bill authorizes appropriations and sets policy
On this date, the William M. (Mac) Thornberry National Defense Authorization Act 2021 became Public Law No: 116-283. On this date, the NDAA 2021 passed in the Senate, overriding the veto by a Yea-Nay vote of 81-13 (the required 2/3 affirmation). ...
This Hill letter was sent to the Members of the U.S. House of Representatives, on H.R. 2670, the "Fiscal Year 2024 National Defense Authorization Act."
China Review News: On December 22 local time, US President Joe Biden signed into law the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024, which contains negative China-related content. What’s China’s comment? 毛宁:美方执意通过并签署包含涉华消极内容的“2024财年国防授权法案”,中方对此表...
Question: It is reported that US Prtional Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for fiscal year 2025 into law, which announced a defense budget of up to 895 billion US dollars for the next fiscal year and identified China as one of the major challenges to the US national security. Some...
In June, the US House of Representatives passed the National Defense Authorization Act for the year 2025 (FY25 NDAA), which includes the Countering CCP Drones Act. Among other things, this Act will require the inclusion of telecommunications and video surveillance equipment or services produced by...