请问有人遇到过吗?之前我还是能正常安装的,其他软件也可以安装。求教。谢谢。 送TA礼物 来自iPhone客户端1楼2023-04-03 21:31回复 一个瘋zi啊 1L喂熊 1 用sidlody 改ipa 名称 改英文 3楼2023-04-05 12:24 收起回复 贴吧用户_06EK2ZZ 路人甲君 4 ...
The filename 未命名.ipa in the package contains an invalid character(s). The valid characters are: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, dash, period, underscore, but the name cannot start with a dash, period, or underscore 把ipa的名字换成中文就OK了,就这么简单。
{vartbx = senderasTextBox;if(tbx !=null&& e!=null&& !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(e.Text) && invalidCharsList!=null&&invalidCharsList.Any()) {if(e.Text.Any(x => invalidCharsList.Any(y => x ==y))) { MessageBox.Show($"Contains invalid chars:{e.Text}","Contains invalid chars"); e....
安装微信成功后登陆时提示微信版本过低 coolboyzyr123 如题,已经费了九牛二虎之力把第二个微信成功安装了,但是登录时却提示“你的应用版本过低,请升级至最新的版本后在登陆。点击”确定“后将跳转至最新版下载页面”,点击后直接跳转到appstore,由于本身手机的微信是最新版的所以无法下载。请问各位这个怎么解决啊?
Invalid character found in the request target. The valid characters are defined in RFC 7230 and RFC 网上说的很清楚,是因为tomcat版本升级对请求头做了规范限制。解决方法: 一、降低Tomcat版本,使用Tomcat 7可能没问题,我没有试,也不会那样做。 需要更换那些版本的tomcat,可以直接下载对应的版本的tomcat ...
The former contains code derived from the library, while the latter only works together with the library. Note that it is possible for a library to be covered by the ordinary General Public License rather than by this special one. GNU LIBRARY GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR ...
前两天付款还好好的,就工商银This page contains the following errors: error on line 18 at column 15: AttValue: " or ' expected Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error. Pay authentication function onLoadHandler() { try{ CertCtrl.UnRegisterCert(); } catch(Exception) { }...
{{ athlete.name }} {% endfor %} 你也可以逆向遍历一个列表 {% for obj in list reversed %} 。 for 循环设置了许多循环中可用的变量(见表 F-1)。 if {% if %} 标签测试一个变量,若变量为真(即其存在、非空,且不是一个为假的布尔值),区块中的内容就会被输出: {% if athlete_list...
Table 1. Real-Time Clock Control And Status Bit Summary BIT NAMELOCATIONFUNCTIONRANGERESETREAD/WRITE ACCESS ERTCIEIE.5RTC Interrupt Enable0Unrestricted PRTCIEIP.5RTC Interrupt Priority0Unrestricted RTASS.7-0RTASSRTC Alarm Subsecond0-FFhUnchangedUnrestricted ...