lord of justice Adoraim, strength of the sea Adoram, their beauty; their power Adrammelech, the cloak, glory, grandeur or power of the king Adramyttium, the court of death Adriel, the flock of God Adullam, their testimony; their prey; their ornament Adummim, earthy; red; bloody things...
I praise you, Lord Jesus, for your power on display in the miracles you performed and those you continue to perform to this day, confirming who you are—notjust a wise teacher or mystic but theSon of God. I praise youfor the glimpses of heaven we experience from time to time of what...
Well, there we are. The evils of the coming days will be phenomenal and accidental. Though they will hurt, they will never be quite solid or real or enduring in the way that the Love, Justice and Mercy of God are, now and forever. We shall not remain silent about the damage, or co...
And what happens to those who focus on all things beautiful, good, and true—no matter how small—and thank God for them? What happens to those who discover the joys of the here and now—no matter their circumstances–and praise God for them? “They are the change agents who bring full...
As the base of our chart, it represents both the ground and mystery of our being. If we lean over the chasm of the 4th, we'll find, as the poet Rilke wrote, “something dark and like a web, where a hundred roots are silently drinking.”1 This is not the definition I got from...
In theory, The Woman Accused would have taken months to write, with each author receiving the previous chapters and adding their own, in a version of the game Consequences. In practice, it appears that Banks and Hughes came up with the outline of the story and the transition points for eac...
Jerry discovered ancient runes etched into the walls, their meanings lost to time. He gently caressed the outlines. He began to sweat as adrenaline coursed through his body. He was unnerved by the sudden rush of anxiety. However, it was more the sense of dread hanging in the air that ch...
Sia and Heka’s presence in front of and behind the sun god and Mehen’s encircling of the sun god clearly demonstrate that multiple protections are at work to ensure the safe passage of the solar barque. Through this divine teamwork, the chaotic force Apep can be vanquished, and the sun...
Against his uniqueness, we have seen that ultimately all things are Words of God, for all have the Breath of the Merciful as their origin: [The Most High] said about Jesus that he is the Word of God, and He said about creatures that they are the Words of God. (Ibn ʿArabī ...
Makers of @JIRA, @Confluence, @Bitbucket and more. Software to plan, collaborate, code, and support. Built for teams Tom's Planner @tomsplanner $9/mo - $19/mo Tom's Planner is online Gantt chart software that allows anyone to create, collaborate and share Gantt Charts online with drag...