Muhammad by 1896, a correction of Mohammed (1610s), the Arabic masc. proper name, literally "the Praiseworthy," name of the prophet of Islam (c. 570-632). The earliest forms of his name in English were Mahum, Mahimet (c. 1200). The word in English was originally also used ...
the name is rendered Maryam, but Arabic reflects the Christian given name as Mārya (مارية) or Māryā (ماريا) (e.g. Mārya al-Qibiṭiyya, a Coptic Egyptian woman who was a bondmaid to the Islamic prophet Muhammad. ...
In Persia: “Pole-Khan.” Also known as “Doroodzan Dam.” Some parts of the Didegan Dam body remain sufficient to guess its original dimensions and materials. This fastening tool is called “Dom Chelcheleh” (Swallow-tail). The “Qanat” term is extracted from the Arabic “Qanāh,” ...
Sometimes Al is also part of the first name of a person. For example, the famous Arab Saladin is in fact spelt Salah Al Din (صلاح الدين) in Arabic, which means “righteousness of the faith”, with the al being “of the”, Salah being “righteousness” and Di...
他们:(1)促进奴隶繁衍,Far from forcibly preventing their slaves from multiplying, on the contrary, they actually encouraged them in every way they could; they united them as much as possible in a kind of marriage; by this means filling their houses with domestic servants of both sexes and ...
Imam Muhammad states the following "There are four kinds of ilm: What is in Allah's book and what resembles it; what is definite in the sunnah of the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) reported by a strong chain of narrators and what resembles it, the decrees that ar...
The original name for GOD Almighty in Aramaic and Hebrew was indeed "Allah". Allah in Arabic and Aramaic means "The Supreme GOD". Yahweh or Jehovah in Hebrew mean "The Eternal". GOD Almighty's Names are Attributes of Him. They're all the same. They're not just names like "Osama" or...
"religious system revealed by Muhammad," 1816, from Arabic islam, literally "submission"… See origin and meaning of islam.
Muhammad comes to a people steeped in barbarism and ignorance. They married their step-mothers; they buried their daughters alive; drunkenness, adultery, idolatry, and gambling were the order of the day. Gibbon describe the Arabs before Islam in his "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire", ...
This requires many steps of faith on account of the Muslims. 1. Jesus, Mary and Moses were really Muslims and spoke of Muhammad. 2. The New Testament is falsified. 3. Ignore the Dead Sea Scrolls, and 4. When Jesus speaks of the Spirit of Truth he really means Muhammad, not the Holy...