HindenburgmythPetainAlthough Hindenburg and P茅tain emerged from very different historical traditions, one monarchical and authoritarian, the other democratic and republican, their trajectories and cults in the twentieth century in fact had much in common. Both emerged as military heroes, saving the ...
but the Hindenburg was a German airship. The year was 1937, so the Hindenburg had a prominent swastika on its tail. My son saw that and, thinking as a child is inclined to think, asked, “Why did anybody care if it crashed, if it had Nazis on it?” ...
I have an awful confession to make. And probably the least American thing about me: I don't like Westerns. To be fair, this was also the least Portuguese thing about me, since the westerward expansion and everything it implies is now an ur-myth of the We
HindenburgmythPétainAlthough Hindenburg and P茅tain emerged from very different historical traditions, one monarchical and authoritarian, the other democratic and republican, their trajectories and cults in the twentieth century in fact had much in common. Both emerged as military heroes, saving the ...