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P1【TED】科普动画集锦 401 The myth of Prometheus 04:47 P2【TED】科普动画集锦 402 The myth of Sisyphus 04:58 P3【TED】科普动画集锦 403 The myth of the Sampo- an infinite source of fortune and greed - 05:16 P4【TED】科普动画集锦 404 The myth of the stolen eyeballs 05:30 P5【TED】...
The Myth of Sisyphus的创作者· ··· 阿尔贝·加缪作者 原文摘录 ···(全部) 西西弗是个荒谬的英雄。他之所以是荒谬的英雄,还因为他的激情和他所经受的磨难。他藐视神明,仇恨死亡,对生活充满激情,这必然使他受到难以用言语尽述的非人折磨:他以自己的整个身心致力于一种没有效果的事业,而这是为了对大地的...
点击上方“中南财经政法大学中南之声”可订阅中南之声,期待你的聆听The Myth of SisyphusThe gods had condemned Sisyphus to ceaselessly rolling a rock to the top of a mountain, whence the stone would fall back of its own weight. They had thought with...
《西西弗斯神话》可能拥有加缪作品里仅次于《局外人》的第二著名的开头:There is but one truly serious philosophical problem, and that is suicide.真正严肃的哲学问题只有一个,那就是自杀。加缪从自杀开始追问生命的意义,从自杀的原因谈到人在面对忽然显现的非理性宇宙时所产生的割裂感——对失乐园的记忆已然消散,...
> Literature & Fiction(文学与虚构类) > 华研外语 > 英文原版 西西弗斯的神话 The Myth of Sisyphus 西西弗神话 英文版 Albert Camus 进口英语原版书籍 瑞雅进口图书专营店 英文原版 西西弗斯的神话 The Myth of Sisyp... Camus Albert著 京东价
Chapter 4: The Myth of SisyphusThe Myth of Sisyphus
The Myth of Sisyphus指的是哲学家Albert Camus在1942年写的哲学文章。里面提到众神判处西西弗斯把一个...
S1E16 西西弗斯的惩罚 The Myth Of Sisyphus 1022 播放 芭比衣橱 收藏 下载 分享 手机看 选集(28) 自动播放 [1] S1E1 丘比特和普赛克的传说 T... 1274播放 05:32 [2] S1E2 阿拉克涅的传说 The ... 1723播放 04:29 [3] S1E3 赫拉克勒斯的传说 The... ...
Published in the same year as Camus’s novel L’Étranger (The Stranger), The Myth of Sisyphus contains a sympathetic analysis of contemporary nihilism and touches on the nature of the absurd. Together the two works established his reputation, and they are often seen as thematically ...