Once the period of fasting is over, the Muslim community gears up for a three-day holiday that is called Eid Al Fitr. Since people no longer have to observe fasts, so everybody revels in the festivities whole heartily. People decorate their houses, dress up in new clothes and prepare del...
Isaiah 56:5: Muslim is the future believers' name. Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.Allah is the GOD of the Bibles: [1] Did you know that Elohim is Allah [1, *] [2] [3]. The "im" in Hebrew is a majestic plural for GOD Almighty. The root Word is "Eloh"...
...while we wait for the blessed hope - the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ,... - Titus 2:13
Muslim meaning The name Muslim literally means Peace Maker or Unifier, and probably started out as a regular word meaning precisely that. Here at Abarim Publications we think the name Nazarene reflects a similar thought, namely a motivation to unify all of God's revelations into a singular and...
“I am a human and Muslim.” While this complicated ode to heritage is deeply personal, it has also moved listeners to use the video’s YouTube comments to share virtual hugs and mourn the lives lost recently in Palestine and Sudan. Its head is down, and its arms are open. –Vrinda ...
Thus, anyone who is truly submitting himself to God—according to what has been revealed from God and not simply according to his own whims or imagination—is a Muslim. In this sense, the religion of all of the prophets of God was Islam and they were all Muslims. Noah, Abraham, Moses ...
“Ah, if I could give it a name it might go a long way towards solving the case. On the whole, it was probably some creature of the weasel and stoat tribe—and yet it is larger than any of these that I have seen.” “But what had it to do with the crime?” “That, also, ...
In the Muslim faith there were many prophets before Muhammad (including Adam, Abraham, Moses and Jesus) but Muhammad is the Final Prophet, so highly regarded by Muslims that they say "Peace be upon him" whenever they speak or write his name. The Five Pillars of Islam are the five duties...
His name was Bartimaeus. “Shush,” people said. “Don’t make a scene.” But he cried all the louder: “Son of David, have mercy on me!” And Jesus stood still, just the way the sun had stood still in the sky for Joshua in that same city of Jericho. ...
The unique characteristic of this Revolution, as compared with other Iranian movements of the last century, is that it is religious and Islamic. The Muslim people of Iran, after living through an anti-despotic movement for constitutional government, and anti-colonialist movement for the nationalizatio...