My husband and I drove down to Seattle to visit the Boeing Plant. We were told by our guide at the plant that if we were enjoying the Boeing Tour (which was amazing), then we would most likely enjoy the Museum of Flight. We decided to take his advice and visit the mu...
地址:9404 East Marginal Way South, Seattle, WA 还有就是我第一段所写的,千万别走错了哦,有些时候谷歌地图真的比不上国内的高德,太LOW了,借此吐槽一下。
The Museum of Flight,9404 East Marginal Way South,Seattle, WA 98108 时间: 10:00-17:00 电话: +1 206-764-5720 网址: 飞行博物馆周边的景点 I 90浮桥 萨菲口体育场 世纪互联体育场 克朗代克淘金热国家历史公园 瀑布花园公园 ...
西雅图飞行博物馆(The Museum of Flight)的平流层飞艇平台是观察飞机的最佳地点。来西雅图飞行博物馆体验飞行之旅吧,进入平流层飞艇平台是必游项目吆。更多飞行博物馆游览及购票详情: 图片...
Address: Seattle, WA 98108, United StatesMap Phone+1 206-764-5700 What travelers say:Show More Reviews 圣热尔韦昂瓦列尔周勃 5/5Outstanding The Seattle Museum of Flight is next to Boeing, with two indoor and outdoor exhibition areas, featuring Boeing products: from transport aircraft, fighter ...
西雅图飞行博物馆(The Museum of Flight),将会刷新你对“博物馆”的认知。在这里,博物馆不仅是传统的陈列与展览,更像是一次旅行,激发你想象力的同时让你身临其境般体验太空船和飞行机。航空迷们,快来亲身感受吧!O网页链接 L秒拍视频 . 抱歉...
飞机博物馆The Museum of Flight)(在城市南边)地址:9404 East Marginal Way South, Seattle, WA 98108和波音参观一南一北,开车1小时左右
The Museum of Flight Things to do South Beacon Hill Wednesday October 7 2015 ShareDetails Address 9404 E Marginal Way S Seattle 98108 Price: $$ (10-30) Opening hours: 10:00AM to 5:00PM daily DirectionsWebsiteCall Been there, done that? Think again, my friend.Sign up for our ...
3. The Museum of Flight (Seattle, Washington) Image Credit: The Museum of Flight Year Opened:1965 The Museum of Flight is the largest private air and space museum in the world and attracts over 500,000 visitors every year. The museum has more than 150 aircraft in its collection, including...