devices to replace missing body parts, make a part of the body work better or to support weak or impaired joints or muscles. 義肢及矯形學是一項專職醫療服務,治療師會替病者度身定製特別的裝置,以取代缺損的肢體,或支撐受損的關 節 及 肌肉, 從而 改善肢 體功 能。 [...]...
This engaging course outlines the muscles of the body as they apply to health professionals. You'll find a variety of uses for these video and text lessons, including test preparation for students, curriculum updates for teachers and more information about these topics for laypeople. ...
Explore the human body's muscle anatomy and learn the names of the major muscles and what they do. Identify muscles on the body and know their...
The gluteus maximus is the largest muscle in the body. The gluteus muscles are composed of skeletal muscle tissue. This muscle is probably one that you’re using right now whether you are sitting or standing. The gluteus maximum is located at the rear of the hip. This muscle is the larges...
The human body has hundreds of muscles. The three types are skeletal(骨骼的) muscles, smooth muscles and cardiac, or heart muscles. Each kind of muscle has a special job to do. The skeletal muscles are attached to the bones; they actually hold the skeleton together. Strong cords, called...
(Weightlifting) the practice of performing regular exercises designed to make the muscles of the body conspicuous Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
If we don'tuse our muscles often, they can become weak.独家原创试题W*individual adj.单个的;个别的**expand v.扩展***protein n.蛋白质Muscles in the human bodyMuscles control 1 in the body.Not all muscles are controlled by ourIntroductionthoughts, for 2 , our heart beating.There are 3 ...
is made up of a human body, in various organs and bone surface, muscles and nerves, and muscles of the governing malnutrition of the muscles, blood vessels, muscle separation packages connect muscle and bone of the connective tissue together constitute an organ. There is a total body muscle ...
aNi cloth, Ni sinter, Ni–Cd and low impregnation Nickel Ni布料, Ni多孔状淀土, NiCD和低注入镍[translate] aMuscles of the human body's most powerful strengthening and toughening, turned out to be the tongue 人体的最强有力加强和变坚韧的肌肉,结果是舌头[translate]...
The general shape and contours of the body are fixed by the skeleton and by muscles attached. to the skeleton, but surface features, which may give the animal its really characteristic look, are seldom restorable with any real probability of accuracy.”可以看出化石动物的肌肉有时可以重建的原因...