The Munsters (1964) Eddie Marr The Man 1 The Glass Key (1942) Sol Gorss The 1st Drunk 1 Climax! (1954) Hedy Scott The 2nd Girl 1 Fireball 500 (1966) Scott McCartor Lester Farber 1 Rattlers (1976) Paul Bradley The 1st Guest 1 Jeep-Herders (1945) Matt Murph...
The Munsters September 24, 1964 1,864 votes Adding a twist to the traditional family sitcom, this ghoulish comedy centered around Herman Munster, his vampire wife Lily, and their oddball relatives living in a spooky mansion in a seemingly normal American suburb. The show consistently amused audien...
Grandpa's Call of the Wild: Directed by Earl Bellamy. With Fred Gwynne, Yvonne De Carlo, Al Lewis, Pat Priest. The Munsters are camping in the woods. Everything goes well until Grandpa starts to feel homesick after hearing a coyote howling.
3 on behind-the-scenes stories from tv's best legal dramas also ranks # 3 on the 25 best lawyer tv shows will i like it? is it watchworthy? featured subscription paid 35 the munsters fred gwynne, yvonne de carlo, al lewis 106 votes a family of friendly monsters resides at 1313 ...
Interview with the Vampire(2022-) – Has romance but is abusive. Still, a fascinating watch. (TV-MA) Midnight Mass(2021) – Watch this if you enjoy tragic romance. (TV-MA) The Munsters(1964-1966) – It’s good, old-fashioned family fun. ...
Rob Zombie, the heavy-metal rocker turned director known for his hard-r-rated horror films like “The Devil’s Rejects” and “House of 1000 Corpses,” has announced that he will next direct a take on “The Munsters,” the genial ’60s sitcom about a family of monsters.“The Munsters”...
I say strange because she lives in a dilapidated old house (the one actually used on "The Munsters"), looks a bit witchy and is, gasp, a stranger! As the show progresses you can't help but assume she came to town for some ulterior motive...but what, who knows? In the meantime, ...
And now for a roll call of his other genre appearances:One Step Beyond,Bewitched,The Addams Family,The Munsters,Mission: Impossible,The Six Million Dollar Man,Buck Rogers in the 25th CenturyandFantasy Island. (10)COMICS SECTION. F Minus– could this be Pluto’s revenge?
Butch Patrick, who played little werewolf Eddie on the cult classic TV series "The Munsters," attended school while starring on the show. While Butch has continued to appear in bit parts in film and TV, his adult career has largely been forged on the back of his childhood role. In the ...
Those shows you mentioned are so well known partly because of those opening title sequences. People can recite the theme song from memory but probably couldn’t tell you the plots of two different episodes. Paul:Right. We have likeThe MunstersandThe Addams Family. Snapping and stuff. They do...