ERPNext offers standout features like multi-currency accounting, auto-generated invoices, lead analysis, Kanban and Gantt views, hierarchical bill of materials, real-time help desk insights, and much more. And when you enter data in one field, related fields automatically update across datasets, ...
percol - A Python script that "1) receives input lines from stdin or a file, 2) lists the input lines and waits for input that filter/select the line(s), 3) outputs the selected line(s) to stdout"; can be used to add interactivity to many regular shell commands. pick - Utility th...
Today’s 4.6 GW of hybrid capacity is accompanied by 14.7 GW in the immediate development pipeline, and 69 GW in select interconnection queues. Analysis using wholesale market prices finds that additional revenues from adding a 4-hour battery to solar can exceed additional costs. However, ...
select_js select.js 2387 15-Nov-22 06:56 16.0.10393.20000 229344 15-Nov-22 06:58
Verizon's annual Data Breach Investigation Report found that 68% of incidents involved some kind of human element, whether it was falling for a phishing email, using a weak password, reusing a password that had previously been compromised, or otherwise making a password security error. And that...
The maximum lifetime for tickets setting is an element of Kerberos policy. When a client asks the KDC for a ticket to a service, the client can request a specific start time. If this time is missing from the request or is a time in the past, the KDC sets the ticket's start time ...
This is followed by element-wise application of a non-linear activation function. In the case of IR, the output of the entire network is often either a vector representation of the input or some predicted scores. During training, a loss function is constructed by contrasting the prediction ...
(pill bottle). MadHitter aims to select targeted therapies that are modular, having a recognition unit that is gene/protein-specific, and a common killing subunit (for all gene targets). Icons of four modular therapies are shown; we focus on the three for which the target protein must be ...
(2) Anything that can be said in one language can be said in another, unless the form is an essential element of the message; (3) To preserve the content of the message the form must be changed. The views above have some implifications: Firstly, when a translator realizes that each ...
Of all human-associated ARGs, 81% (618) of them were not detected on any MGEs (plasmids, integrons, or in the intestinal microbiome mobile element database17,18) and were therefore classified as Rank III (Fig. 2b). Of all human-associated and mobile ARGs, the majority (84%, 122) of...