Walk the Line: Directed by James Mangold. With Joaquin Phoenix, Reese Witherspoon, Ginnifer Goodwin, Robert Patrick. A chronicle of country music legend Johnny Cash's life, from his early days on an Arkansas cotton farm to his rise to fame with Sun Recor
罗伯特·帕特里克Robert Patrick 类型:传记/剧情/音乐 级别:PG-13级(主旋律内容,毒品) 片长:136分钟 发行:20世纪福克斯 上映日期:2005年11月23日(美国) 官方网站:www.walkthelinethemovie.com 简评:“黑衣人”称得上是对我们这个故事的主人公约翰尼·卡什最为准确的一个称呼。称得上美国现代音乐的殿堂级人物精彩...
- That was how June Carter described Johnny Cash's music in "Walk the Line". Actually, that was exactly how I feel about this movie also. I went into the movie thinking I was going to see the biograhy on Cash's life. Well, I was kind of right, this movie is about how Cash ...
Walk the Line.(movie)(Movie Review)McCarthy, Todd
所以在本片,我们要用一双成熟智慧的眼睛,在男主的生活轨迹中,找出那条笔直粗壮的直线……本片,关注一下片名,对影片的理解很有帮助。walk the line.走直线提到直线,大家注意鱼竿,片尾的对话器玩具,还有大量的关于儿时小路的镜头。钓鱼,这种休闲活动,其实蕴含很多人生哲学。我们看这些画面,两人钓鱼,甩杆,笔直的直线...
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Walk the Line 預約看片 導演: 詹姆士曼格 主演: 瓦昆菲尼克斯 瑞絲薇斯朋 勞勃派屈克 珍妮佛古德溫 年份:950518 片長:136分鐘 分級:保護級 , 未滿 6 歲兒童不得觀賞 6~12歲需父母、師長或成年親友陪伴輔導觀賞 標籤: 低潮 傳記電影 搖滾 演唱會
but eventually his marriagecrumbles5and he develops a serious drugaddiction6. The film is based on Cash'sautobiographies7. Phoenix and Witherspoon performed all of their own singing in the movie, just as Sissy Spacek and Beverly D'Angelo did in Coal Miner's Daughter a quarter-century before....
《与歌同行 Walk the Line》于2005-11-18(美国)上映。是由詹姆斯·曼高德执导, 由约翰尼·卡什, 吉尔·丹尼斯, 詹姆斯·曼高德等担任主编, 演员加文·林赛·古德, 科迪·汉福德, L. Michele Hester等主演的《与歌同行 Walk the Line》是一部剧情, 爱情, 音乐, 传记类型电影。