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本人是一名从教多年的资深英语老师,从事媒体中童星宣传工作(GZ号:xiaoxiangtongxing),平常喜欢研读剧本,也带一些童星去拍摄一些剧和上综艺等。 此剧集解析仅代表自己的理解,会适当加入一些英语知识和英国文学的赏析,仅供参考。毕竟一千个读者,就会有一千个二册,还有两千个胖胖。官方主海报标题又名:THE REFEREE’S A ...
The TrustA Live-Action ‘Stagtown’ Horror Movie Adaption Is in the Works from Margot Robbie’s LuckyChap LuckyChap and Wattpad Webtoon Studios are teaming up to produce a live-action adaptation of the Webtoon sensation Stagtown. The film will be written and directed by Benjamin Brewer, who...
Shane,想起她就会发笑。《The l word》那些浪女与直女,见到Shane就扑上去,经典动作是女人们捧着Shane的脸狂吻,而Shane的手不知所措地张开,迟疑地搂上去。《The l word》里Shane是最大亮点,中性帅气迷人的身体,颓废忧郁的眼,摇滚的气息与率真的性格,再加浪子一般的冷酷与热情。Shane是雌雄同体的尤物。第六季中...
I'm going to the latest Academy Celebration of Animation,Mary Blair’s World of Color: A Centennial Tribute, on October 20.Mary Blairdied in 1978 and created the concept art for such Disney greats asAlice in Wonderland, Peter Pan,Song of the SouthandCinderella, as well as the character ...
Hyun Bin’s Comeback: Everything You Need To Know About The Movie “Harbin” Dec 8KoiMoi Contribute to this page Suggest an edit or add missing content Top Gap What was the official certification given to The Negotiator (1998) in Mexico?
I was 15 in 2010 and I hated everyone but I hated myself even more. At points it felt music was the only thing I had, and I hated how much I related to “No Future Part Three.” I hated how the words were like a reflection and I hated Patrick Stickles for writing them. So I...
Don't Trust the B--- in Apartment 23(2012) Brett A. Snodgrass Gordon (as Brett Snodgrass) Space Hospital(2007) Elizabeth Stanley Principal Shooting the Warwicks(2015) Bill Swindle UPS Guy Chillerama(2011) Anton Troy Burt Chillerama(2011) Peter...
The Walking Dead (2010) Mark Acheson Paul Weir 1 Elf (2003) Robert Moloney Philip Delacroix 1 The Revenant (2015) Linden Banks Randolph Denning 1 Turkey Hollow (2015) Maggie Ma Sophia 1 Final Destination 3 (2006) Ian Robison Dr. Walt Saperstein 1 Antitrust (2001) ...
despite the fact that Paige is a best-selling writer of thrillers and you would figure that she would know better than to trust a bunch of secretive people living out in the middle of nowhere. Soon, both Paige and Allie want to leave but it turns out that leaving is not going to be ...