DuckTales the Movie: Treasure of the Lost Lamp 1990 Scrooge McDuck finds a magic lamp with Huey, Dewey and Louie and their girlfriend, Webby. 86 3,427 votes Cars 2 2011 In the animated adventure Cars 2, Lightning McQueen (voiced by Owen Wilson) finds himself competing in the first-ever...
Lightning McQueen, Tow Mater, Sally Carrera, Mack, Fillmore, Sarge, Luigi, Guido, Flo, Ramone, Red, Lizzie, Sheriff, Mia and Tia, Strip "The King" Weathers, Lynda "Mrs. The King" Weathers, Chick Hicks, Doc Hudson, Tex Dinoco, Rusty and Dusty Rusty-Eze, Trev Diesel, Jerry Recycled Ba...
MovieStillsDB Swayze's car in the movie is a Mercedec-Benz 560SEC, which is later joined by a 1965 Buick Riviera (you'll have to watch it to understand why.) The bad guys in the film drive a monstrous Big Foot Ford F250, which car fans would love to see in action. Lady Ice H...
BrickToons catches up with Marlin and Dory from Finding Nemo (2003), Jack-Jack and his super siblings Dash and Violet from The Incredibles (2004), Lightning McQueen and Mater from the original Cars (2006), Merida and her rambunctious baby brothers from Brave (2012), and both Miguel & ...
"SML" The Power Outage! (TV Episode 2024) Chris Netherton as Brooklyn Guy, Lightning McQueen, Cody
While in the original movie the Queen had to use a potion to change her form, in House of Mouse, she is capable of changing forms at will. The Queen's death scream can be heard in The Wonderful World of Mickey Mouse episode "Keep on Rollin'". The Evil Queen is the first main anta...
Lightning McQueen (Owen Wilson) goes for the gold The characters themselves also make the movie work. I already mentioned how little kids would be drawn to Lightning, but the town of Radiator Springs is also full of colorful and lovable weirdos. The town’s patriarch is a weary, grumpy old...
However, when electromagnetic pulses of lightning strike the area, the strange event turns out to be the beginning of an alien invasion, and Ferrier must now protect his children as they seek refuge. Released: 2005 Directed by: Steven Spielberg Also ranks #3 on 14 Times Action Movie He...
1.1.1Lightning McQueen and Team Rust-eze 1.1.2The Cars of Radiator Springs and Ornament Valley 1.1.3Race Day!: Racers, Staff, the Press & Fans 1.22011 release (Cars 2debut) 1.32017 release (Cars 3debut) 1.3.1Meet the Piston Cup Racers ...
64. “Paddington 2” (2018)“Paddington 2” While it may no longer be the best-reviewed movie ever made — a title that was stolen from it like a vintage pop-up book from a London antique shop — Paul King’s “Paddington 2” is still paws-down one of the funniest films of the...