Ford v. Ferrari Directed by the legendary James Mangold, 'Ford v. Ferrari' tells the story of British race car driver Ken Miles (Christian Bale) and American car designer, Carroll Shelby (Matt Damon). They try to defy the odds and build a groundbreaking race car for Ford to beat Ferrari...
Ford v. Ferrari Directed by the legendary James Mangold, 'Ford v. Ferrari' tells the story of British race car driver Ken Miles (Christian Bale) and American car designer, Carroll Shelby (Matt Damon). They try to defy the odds and build a groundbreaking race car for Ford to beat Ferrari...
Disney Channel grad Olivia Holt, and former Fall Out Boy guitarist Patrick Stump have convened for a rehash of the us-versus-them bedlam of Cats and Dogs or The Boss Baby, pitting the animate dwarves against grape-looking gremlins called Troggs. Love...
Ford v Ferrari (2019) Finally, a real car movie! With real actors! Starring Christian Bale, Matt Damon, Jon Bernthal and RACE CARS! Ford v Ferrari is the true story of the battle between Ford and Ferrari to win Le Mans in 1966. In 1963, Ford was in talks with Ferrari to buy the ...
Gearhead classics, modern blockbusters, art-house favorites, and even some genuine obscurities — these are the best car movies ever made, including ‘Ferrari.’
Ford v Ferrari (2019) Michael Kawczynski Skip (uncredited) Chuck (2007) Damian Forest Light SWAT Team (uncredited) Grindsploitation (2016) Ron Provencal Conductor (uncredited) Atlas Shrugged: Part I (2011) Jackie Zane Woman with Baby (uncredited) Escape the Night (2016)MOVIE...
The launch of Ferrari’s astonishing new Le Mans car, the 499P was a much anticipated and glamorous event. We take you behind the scenes
He’s torn up the race track with “Ford v Ferrari,” been the only director other than Steven Spielberg to take the helm of an “Indiana Jones” film with last year’s “Dial of Destiny,” and later this year, he’ll debut his Bob Dylan drama starring Timotheé Chalamet,“A Complete...
Volume was positive (Euro 220 million), reflecting the shipments increase versus the prior year. The positive Mix / price variance performance (Euro 212 million) was driven by the richer product mix thanks to the SF90 family and the Ferrari Monza SP...
Shout out to some good movies like Ford v Ferrari, 1917, Jojo Rabbit, Us, and definitely, definitely not Terminator: Dark Fate. Giant middle finger to that movie, as well as The Rise of Skywalker for continuing the trend of the bad sequel films and putting such little effort into it to...