Nope. Not at all. "Candyman" is messy, its third act painfully rushed, its central metaphor sometimes pushed to the breaking point by the rules inherent in a slasher horror movie. But a horror movie being too ambitious is a good problem to have, and the problems here are actually interest...
Dead Presidents, a gritty and powerful crime thriller, follows the story of a young Vietnam War veteran, played by Larenz Tate, who becomes embroiled in a dangerous heist upon his return to the Bronx. Directed by the Hughes Brothers, the film's striking visual style and its unflinching p...
All of them are in the mob and this leads to one dangerous night for Leonard as he outwits the mafia to see another day. Directed and co-written by Graham Moore (The Imitation Game), this crime drama stars Mark Rylance, Zoey Deutch, Johnny Flynn, Dylan O'Brien, Nikki Amuka-Bird, and...
The Unholy (1988) – What Happened to This Horror Movie? Dec Scott Strauss & Thunder Road’s Badlands Label Readies ‘Dangerous Games To Play’ From ‘The Pope’s Exorcist’ Scribe; Altitude & CAA Media Finance Launch For AFM ...
but that's the easy part of what is considered the most dangerous job in the world. In 2020, Navalny was poisoned by a lab-created nerve agent and nearly died. He and his supporters pointed fingers at the Kremlin, who denied any participation. This award-winning documentary (including Best...
Go back to the heyday of Johnny Knoxville, Steve-O, and the rest of the dangerous idiots. These movies are often derided as being dumb but they’re a glorious, infectious kind of dumb that wants nothing more than to make you laugh. Jackass paramount+ Jerry Maguire Year: 1996Run...
The claustrophobic need not apply to Neil Marshall’s breakthrough film, a movie wherein if the tight spaces won’t kill you then the monsters will. This smash hit tells the tale of six women who navigate an increasingly dangerous cave system only to find that there are things living underg...
The plot, which sees two priests -- one questioning his faith and one reckoning with a troubled past -- who put aside their differences to save a possessed young woman through a difficult and dangerous series of exorcisms, might sound familiar, but bear in mind that it’s apparently based...
Dangerous Diva's Devious Disguises (2008) Nina No Actress 4 Private Independent 1: A Real Swinger's Orgy (2009) Bobby Bends Actor 4 Bound Gangbangs (2011) Rain DeGrey Actress 4 The Next She-Male Idol 9 (2014) Chloe Camilla Actress 4 Whipped Ass (2001) Phoenix Marie ...