your cells can’t eat a whole salad, so the body must convert it into smaller molecules that the cells can access and use. This is the primary function of our digestive system. Along with the circulatory system, the digestive system is a “meals on wheels” program for the cells of your...
the digestive system are also under the control of a wide range of other substances produced by endocrine cells that are released either distant from (hormones) or adjacent to (paracrine agents) their site of action. Although there are some major variations in the complement and activities of ...
CompanyLOGOPassage1Passage1TheDigestiveSystemTheDigestiveSystemThedigestiveSystemInthispassageyouwilllearn: Thedigestivesystemasawhole Anatomyandphysiologyofthemajororgansinthedigestivesystem Associatedmedicalterms2Whatisthedigestivesystem?Itisalsocalledthegastrointestinaloralimentarycanal.Itcontainstheorgansinvolvedtheingestion...
It is widely held that the bilaterian tubular gut with mouth and anus evolved from a simple gut with one major gastric opening. However, there is no consensus on how this happened. Did the single gastric opening evolve into a mouth, with the anus forming
This paper deals with the comparative anatomy of the digestive system of eight species of marine fishes belonging to five orders, eight families and eight genera.The eight species mainly feed on fishes, crustaceanes, mulluscses and so on.Their mouths are all smaller, with small or degenerated ...
This is because the intellect – the digestive system for truth nutrients – is always in the service of deeper forces and drives. As writers such as Antonio Damosio and Jonah Lehrer have made clear to us, we are not rational animals but rationalizing ones. We ignore this at our peril. ...
But despite its high ick factor, the slimy substance performs a remarkable range of vital functions. After all, it lines more than 200 square meters of our bodies—from our mouths to the digestive system, urinary tract, lungs, eyes, and cervix. It lubricates and hydrates, lets us swallow,...
In some arthropods, especially those with tracheal respiration, the open circulatory system is simplified because the respiratory function has largely shifted from the circulatory system to the tracheae. Mollusks exhibit all the transitions from an open circulatory system to an almost closed one (...
The tongue is an important organ of the digestive system and has a significant role in grasping, swallowing and scrolling foods [5]. Meat and tough food consumption in carnivores requires extreme modifications of the skull to withstand the high biomechanical loads imposed by catching and holding li...
The therapeutic and prophylactic effects of probiotic microorganisms are attributed to their ability to produce numerous bioactive compounds and release them into the bloodstream through the digestive system or their area of prevalence, such as the oral and vaginal cavities. This is mainly achieved by ...