Time courses of low frequency (<0.1 Hz) fluctuations in resting brain were observed to have a high degree of temporal correlation ( P < 10-3) within these regions and also with time courses in several other regions that can be associated with motor function. It is concluded that correlation...
At the same time, I also gain new appreciation for the motor cortex function, and the activities that the brain coordinates without our really thinking about them. I believe that the brain is an amazing organ indeed, both in its ability to send signals to conduct both voluntary and involuntar...
motor control functionprefrontal cortexmotor thalamushuman prefrontal cortexdelayed-response testsP.S. Goldman-RakicJohn Wiley & Sons, LtdP.S. Goldman-Rakic, Motor control functions of the prefrontal cortex, in: Motor areas of the cerebral cortex, Ciba Foundation Symposium 132, Wiley, New York, ...
Related to motor cortex:sensory cortex,supplementary motor cortex ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: Switch tonew thesaurus Noun1.motor cortex- the cortical area that influences motor movements excitable area,motor area,motor region,Rolando's area ...
Parcellation of resting-state functional connectivity data using spectral clustering approaches has been shown to be an effective means of visualizing functional organization within the brain but has most commonly been applied to explorations of normal brain function. This article presents a parcellation ...
The human motor cortex comprises a microcircuit of five interconnected layers with different cell types. In this Review, we use a layer-specific and cell-specific approach to integrate physiological accounts of this motor cortex microcircuit with the pathophysiology of neurodegenerative diseases affecting ...
Anodal transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) over the primary motor cortex (M1) has been reported to increase the firing rates of neurons and to modulate the gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) concentration. To date, knowledge about the nature and duration of these tDCS induced effects is in...
What is the effect of motor imagery or action observation on ankle function (muscle strength, range of motion, edema) and performance (balance, return to sport tests) in persons with, or without, a lateral ankle sprain? Methods This systematic review was performed in accordance with the guide...
software version, specific test environment and device version.* Audio refers to watching videos or listening to music stored on the device. The test data was provided by internal lab, and may vary slightly from actual values depending on the ambient conditions;* The FM function requires the ...
(cut-off at 50 Hz). The power spectra of eyelid movements were calculated from the corresponding acceleration profiles. The power spectrum (i.e., power of the spectral density function) was calculated using a fast Fourier transform to determine the relative strength of the different frequencies ...