The Sovereign Individual details strategies necessary for adapting financially to the next phase of Western civilization. Few observers of the late twentieth century have their fingers so presciently on the pulse of the global political and economic realignment ushering in the new millennium as do Jame...
Representing the Greek goddess of victory, Nike was found in hundreds of different pieces in 1863 on the Greek island of Samothrace before she was brought to the Louvre Museum. She was positioned as the sole figure on ...
AI systems are only as unbiased as the data that developers and data scientists use to create them. A process as simple as data collection can be riddled with bias without an inclusive approach. Those platforms that include data sourced in the broadest way are the most successful at minimizing...
strategies used throughout the wor1d to manage fisheries discards 1essons for imp1ementation of the eu 1anding ob1igationIn many countries, policies regarding reduction of unwanted catch and discards are crafted in response to concerns regarding accountability, conservation, and waste as well as ...
Referrals have long since been one of the most effective marketing strategies. If you have a problem and one of your friends tells you about a great solution for it, there is a good chance that you’ll go buy it. Influencer marketing is just like that – only at scale. When influencer...
aWO战略 对产品线进行调整,有计划地放弃部分市场,以期在其他方面得到优势 The WO strategy carries on the adjustment to the product line, has the plan giving up partial markets, obtains the superiority by the time in other aspects[translate]
The holiday shopping season is just around the corner. If you own an online shop, it could very well be your busiest time of year, and it’s important to make the most of that. It’s time to start thinking about and planning some of the most effective eCommerce trends. ...
Intersectionality is a concept that originated in Black feminist movements in the US-American context of the 1970s and 1980s, particularly in the work of feminist scholar and lawyer Kimberlé W. Crenshaw. Intersectional approaches aim to highlight the in
aTo successfully sow rewards from seeding the brain, specific neurorehabilitation strategies will be needed to propagate the functional effects of implants (the Table). Given what is known about the temporal course of endogenous peri-infarct gene expression in animal models and the course for recovery...
Prodrug strategies can be used to overcome pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic issues in many therapeutic agents. Here, Rautio and colleagues discuss which approaches have been most successful, particularly in the past 10 years, and highlight the challen