heroku_not_command –fixes wrong heroku commands like heroku log; history –tries to replace command with most similar command from history; hostscli –tries to fix hostscli usage; ifconfig_device_not_found –fixes wrong device names like wlan0 to wlp2s0; java –removes .java extension when...
Elasticsearch exception [type=illegal_argument_exception, reason=index [.1] is the write index for data stream [slowlog] and cannot be deleted] 简介:在 Elasticsearch 中,你尝试删除的索引是一个数据流(data stream)的一部分,而且是数据流的写入索引(write index),因此无法直接删除它。为了解决这个问题,...
The IP address corresponding to an activity performed by any user is included in most audit records. Information about the client used is also included in the audit record. Here's how to configure an audit log search query for this scenario: Activities: If relevant to your case, select a ...
安装好的硬盘驱动在设备管理器里显示应该是一个“Inter ICH9M-E/M SATA AHCI Controller”. 我在安装驱动的时候遇到的就是声卡的驱动没装好。老是有个High Definition Audio的黄色问号在那里。虽然Realtek的驱动装了,但是放歌的话,只有伴奏,没有人唱的声音。原因就在于没有先安装那个补丁。搞了我2天,才装上。每...
Thelesscommand is a program to view text files. The table below lists the most common keyboard commands used by less. (1)Page Up or b-Scroll back one page (2)Page Down or space-Scroll forward one page (3)UP Arrow-Scroll Up one line ...
坏的情况是,容器内执行该命令报错:DrvMngGetConsoleLogLevel failed. (g_conLogLevel=3) dcmi model initialized failed,because the device is used.ret is -8020 注意到之前有人讨论过这个问题:https://www.hiascend.com/forum/thread-0262138371315184060-1-1.html 如果只有一个容器挂载到卡上就没问题,如果有...
You should see the following command window: TheChoose Just-In-Time Debuggerdialog opens. UnderAvailable Debuggers, selectNew instance of <your preferred Visual Studio version/edition>, if not already selected. SelectOK. The ThrowsNullException project opens in a new instance of Visual Studio, with...
kernel. This will create latency and memory usage issues with Redis. To fix thisissue run the command'echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled'asroot, and add it to your /etc/rc.localinorder to retain thesetting after a reboot. Redis must be restarted after THPisdisabled...
if [[ -f /var/log/auth.log && ! -s /var/log/auth.log ]]; then systemctl restart rsyslog fi Example: After editing, the file should look similar to the following. #!/bin/sh /usr/sbin/logrotate /etc/logrotate.conf EXITVALUE=$?
Workaround 1: Manually log in to the Connection Server using a username and password during the hours that you cannot log in as the current user. Workaround 2: Log in as an administrator to the Windows systems on which Connection Server is installed and use the following command-line command...