Over 205K gamers have voted on the 130+ items on Most Popular Video Games Right Now. Current Top 3: Minecraft, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Fortnite
One of the most powerful abilities in video game story-telling is how the player’s actions can impact the narrative. Some games have used that amount of self-directed choice to reach for profundity, only to fall short. Undertale stands out for its many alternate endings, each of which man...
The Most Important Video Game Ever Made有史以来最重要的电子游戏Time Magazine recently tasked its editorial staff with ranking the 50 greatestvideo games of al time. The number one spot was taken not by Super Mario, Zelda,or any other worthwhile competitors,but by the oldest and most basic gam...
A red-robed figure. A fluttering scarf. A barren desert landscape. Not the three elements you'd immediately guess would combine to form one of 2012's most memorable titles. Nonetheless, That game company's third release (afterFlowerand organism-devouring mobile game,Flow) captured hearts and m...
Pokemon games have been around for years now, and even though the animated series was mainly made to promote games, it ended up becoming one of the most popular cartoons ever. We also cannot forget how Pokemon Go caught the world by storm, people all over the world were running outside ...
(video game) : shooter, tactical the best counter-strike: global offensive teams see all 1 natus vincere 352 votes 2 astralis 454 votes 3 team liquid 429 votes 23 with over a dozen years under its belt, league of legends still reigns as one of the most popular multiplayer ...
Bonus points for including Pyramid Head; just as terrifying (perhaps more so) than its video game counterpart and a sight that will be sure to have you hiding behind the sofa long after the credits roll. While we can't recommend most of this film's sequels, you can check out our list...
mark ingaming history. Since weapons are so fundamental in most games, competition is stiff. A weapon needs to look cool, but also be fun to use. These iconic weapons check all the boxes and are so recognizable that even those who never played the game they’re from will recognize them....
I’m being very serious when I callWii Sportsthe most subversive game of all time. Before it launched alongside the Nintendo Wii in 2006, video games were gaining a reputation for complicated controls and increasingly complex gameplay systems that threatened to leave casual audiences behind.Wii Spo...
If you’re connected at all to the gaming world — either through your kids or as a gaming fan yourself — you probably already know about some of the most popular trends in video games right now. But if not, the American market research company the NPD recently released its list of the...