[1] Here are ten interesting facts you did not know about it. Featured image credit: NASA 10 It’s Actually Falling Photo credit: NASA Unlike what many of us think, there is gravity in space. The International Space Station is between 200 and 250 miles above the Earth, where gravity ...
The more we discover about the universe, the more questions seem to crop up. Here are just some of the crazy facts about space that are completely true and proven, if a little hard to get our head around. And who knows? What we know now might be different from what we know in ten...
The sun is the closest star to the earth.The sun is about 150 million kilometers away.Our sun,like most other stars,gives off power and light by nuclear fusion(核聚变),which happens exactly where it's the hottest.The sun is about 4.5 billion years old and it will still last six billi...
READ:35 Impressive Facts About the Planet Mercury Fact 8.Because of the immense size of the universe, no one really knows how many stars are there in space. However, astronomers could estimate the number of stars within Milky Way. The number is between 200 billion to 400 billion stars. Fac...
Thesehelicopterslanded 38 downtogivethemsomeexperienceofthewaythespaceshipwould 39 landonthemoon , Theywerealsotaughtthe 40 factsabouttheconditionsinspace. Theylearntallthetechnicaldetailsofthespaceshipsandrockets. Theyvisitedthescientistsandengineerswho 41 them. Theyvisitedthefactorieswheretheywere 42. They...
Lawrence has spent a lot of time on weekends to look Information about the business of his coming. Robot is the wounding of losses. But lawrence does not think that he is the who is thought to. According to the laws he is every day and find it interesting. In this effort, said ...
1. Their Myths And Beliefs TheSumerianshave one of the oldest belief systems in the world, rivalling the age of even Hinduism. They believed in a small pantheon of gods, with An (or Anu) was the prime deity and master of the sky. But, unlike many Abrahamic beliefs, the Sumerians didn...
They were also taught the unknown facts about the conditions in space. They visited the scientists and engineers who designed the spaceships and rockets.They visited the factories where the spaceships and rockets were built. They learnt how every part of a spaceship and its instruments work. They...
The human brain is a marvel of organic engineering, and the world’s first quantum computer. Learn 5 interesting facts about the modern human brain.
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