Consoling indeed are the promises of help made by Jesus Christ to those who have devotion to the name of Mary; for one day in the hearing of St. Bridget, He promised His Most Holy Mother that He would grant three special graces to those who invoke that holy name with confidence: first...
Our pale mirrors are made to contain the most impossible brilliance. And even when we turn away from the Light, the Light comes looking for us. No matter how shadowy the paths we have taken, the Light will find us, and fill us with divine radiance. That is our destiny, says the Child...
Described by Nick Mason as 'one of the world's most spectacularly inept roadies' the Floyd eventually had to let Pip go. He was the one who accidentally destroyed a giant jelly installation at the Roundhouse on the 15th October 1966 by parking the Pink Floyd van in the middle of it or,...
The birth of Jesus had a story: In Nazareth, a city of Galilee. The virgin's name was Mary was betrothed to Joseph. Before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Spirit. Joseph her husband was minded to put her away secretly. While he thought about these things, Ga...
Herod asked them to inform him of the child’s location under the pretense of paying homage. However, the astrologers, having been divinely warned, did not return to Herod. They found Jesus, presented their gifts, and then avoided Herod, allowing Jesus and his family to escape to Egypt....
“It happened, in the Revolution of July, on the evening of the most brilliantly victorious day, when every house was a fortress, every window a breastwork. The people stormed the Tuileries. Even women and children were to be found among the combatants. They penetrated into the apartments ...
of Christ’s Presence and taught that there was a secondary meaning to the bread and wine emblems: that the (1) “broken loaf” represents the “breaking of all his mystical members” and “communion of the blood of Christ” means a “participation in the sufferings and death of Jesus.”...
On January 1st, we celebrate theCircumcision of Christ. Since we are moresqueamishthan our ancestors, modern calendars often list it as the feast of the Holy Name of Jesus, but the other emphasis is the older. Every Jewish boy was circumcised (and formally named) on theeighth dayof his li...
Cornelia Connelly was a Roman Catholic abbess who founded the Society of the Holy Child Jesus and became the subject of an acrimonious ecclesiastical controversy. Cornelia Peacock was orphaned at an early age and reared in the strongly Episcopalian house
How sweet to have died for Him Who came to give His life for you! Pray for me, ye stainless ones, before the Throne, that I too, unworthy and wayward as I am, may come to be with those who follow the Lamb whithersoever He goeth. Most Holy Child Jesus, save Thy children. ...