Hi there! My name is Nik, and if you’re looking for the most famous quotes in history, be it to get inspired, find out who said a line you like, or improve your general knowledge, you’ve come to the right place! If you’re like me, you love a good quote — but you also...
What is the most famous quote that comes from Tennyson's "In Memoriam, A.H.H."?Question:What is the most famous quote that comes from Tennyson's "In Memoriam, A.H.H."?Lesson of Love LostAlfred Lord Tennyson, one of the key Romantic poets, dedicated his poem "In ...
I find it amazing how many times a day I hear colleagues and friends using famous movie quotes when chatting or usually to make a point. Whenever I hear a famous movie quote I play ‘Name that movie’ to see if the person knows who said it and what movie it was from. The quotes ar...
Other Quote Lists The 10 Most Popular Quotes From 1984 If you’re wondering what the most popular 1984 quotes are, here are the ten lines from the book with the highest number of votes on Goodreads, ranging from 15,000+ to 2,200+ votes. 1. “Perhaps one did not want to be loved ...
From opening sentences to famous strings of dialogue, these are 110 of the best book quotes that have stuck with us long after the last page.
If you enjoy this article, check out our most popular quote article, a list ofshort inspirational quotesfor daily motivation. If you want more motivational quotes, check out ourmotivational quotes category page. Dream quotes to help you interpret your dreams and waking life better ...
Antarctic scientists had a, quote, unique opportunity to observe the world's largest iceberg.CNN采访了南极考察队,了解了这股自然力量以及它下一步可能的去向。Three times the size of New York City, the iceberg broke away from the Filchner-Rahn ice shelf more than 30 years ago.南极科学家有一个...
Famous Reading Quotes “A peasant that reads is a prince in waiting.”—Walter Mosley “No two persons ever read the same book.”—Edmund Wilson “I am a part of everything that I have read.”—Theodore Roosevelt “If you don’t like to read, you haven’t found the right book.”―...
of 10 'Hamlet,' 3:1 "To be, or not to be: that is the question." Perhaps the most famousShakespearequote, the anguished Hamlet ponders the purpose of life and suicide in this profound soliloquy. 02 of 10 'All's Well That Ends Well,' 1:2 ...