解析 答案: e*plorerS 考查单词填空.根据句意哥伦布是世界上最著名的探险家之一explorer是可数名词探险家,因为one of +可数名词的复数,所以答案填explorers. 结果一 题目 Columbus is one of the most famous___ (explore) in the world. 答案 答案:explorers.考查单词填空.根据句意:哥伦布是世界上最著名的...
He is the most famous explorer the world has ever known.他是最举世闻名的探险家.(他是被世人所知的最为著名的探险家)因为主句的时态是一般现在时,定语从句的时态是现在完成时,表示迄今为止,他是世界上最为知名... 分析总结。 他是被世人所知的最为著名的探险家因为主句的时态是一般现在时定语从句的时态是...
Howard Carter is one of the most famous explorers the world has ever known. He didn’t go to school but he was bright. 36. curious about the world outside his home town. In 1891 at the age of 17 he set sail for Alexandria Egypt. By the 1920s
Have you been thinking of making a list of places to visit over the next few years? If you have, there’s no way you should miss scheduling time to see some of the most famous landmarks in the world. Believe it. They’re not famous for nothing.
1. The most famous___agencies in the world are NASA and ESA.2. Space agencies build___and teach___how to fly.3. ESA is trying to build the___because building___takes a long time and costs much money.4.___will design and make spaceships.5.___will stay in the hotels for ...
Howard Carter is one of the most famous explorers the world has ever known. He was brave and loved to visit and explore new places. During his life, he discovered many amazing things.【小题1】他天资聪颖,对家乡之外的世界充满了好奇心when he was very young. Howard Carter never went to ...
1.HowardCarteristhemostfamousexplorertheworldhaseverknown.() 2.HowardCarterwaswelleducatedatschool.() 3.HowardCartersetsailforEgyptin1891,attheageof17.() 4.Theexplorersdecidedtoleavethetreasureinthetomb.() 5.Itisbelievedthatthemummy’scursemakesthosewhoenterEgyptillorevendead.() 答案1.F2.F3.T4.F5...
Howard Carter is one of the most famous (explorer) the world has ever known. He was brave and loved (visit) and explore new places. During his life, he (discover) many amazing things.Howard Carter did not go to school, but learnt to draw from his father, was an artist. He was brig...
List of notable or famous explorers from the United States, with bios and photos, including the top explorers born in the United States and even some popular ...