【题目】Golden Gate BridgeGolden Gate Bridge is one of the most famous bridges in the world,considered as a modern miracle.It is located in California, on the Golden Gate Strait. There are two1,124-feet-high steel towers at the ends of the bridge. The part above thewater surface of ...
The Golden Gate Bridge is one of the most famous bridges in the world. Its tall frame, two large towers, and orange color make the bridge easy to recognize (识别). Yet as the Golden Gate Bridge was being built, people disagreed about what the bridge should look like. People were worried...
Most of these bridges are also regarded as landmarks and are a vital part of the infrastructures of regions around the world. Some have even become city icons because of their influence and engineering wonder. Below is a list of the most famous bridges in the world. Table of Contents 15...
世界上最著名的桥和中国著名的桥有哪些(What are the most famous Bridges in the world and famous Bridges in China) 世界上最著名的桥和中国著名的桥有哪些(What are the most famous Bridges in the world and famous Bridges in China) The cross river, bridge design by six lane bridge design by si...
Most Famous Bridges In The World: Charles Bridge, Prague, Czech Republic 9.Akashi Kaikyō Bridge, Japan– The famous Akashi Kaikyō Bridge has a long main span of 1,991 meters (6,532 ft). Opened in 1998, it links the city ofKobeon the mainland of Honshu to Iwaya on Awaji Island. It...
The ancient Zhaozhou Bridge, known as the Zhaozhou Bridge, is one of the most famous bridges in the world. It was built in the Sui Dynasty (581 - 618 AD). The bridge is about 50.82 meters long and 9.6 meters wide. It has a large arch (拱) in the middle and two small arches on...
One of the most famous bridges in the world is the Golden Gate Bridge that extends across San Francisco Bay. Since it was built in 1937, it has become one of the first sights people see if they are coming to San Francisco by ship. The main part of the Golden Gate Bridge is a suspen...
世界上最著名的桥和中国著名的桥有哪些(Whatarethemostfamous BridgesintheworldandfamousBridgesinChina) Thecrossriver,bridgedesignbysixlanebridgedesignbysix laneandfourlanedesign,channelclearanceof46meters,340 metersfornavigationclearance.Themainarchcrosssection isthelargestintheworld.Itis9metershighand5meters ...
The most famous bridges of the word TheMostFamousBridgesintheWord Name Long(m)14101298 享伯湾韦拉扎诺海峡 TheCityorcountryitlocatesinEnglandNewYork Theyearitbegantobuild19801964 麦基诺海峡 1158 Michigan TurkeyNewYork 1957 19721931 博斯普鲁1074斯乔治·华盛1067顿 Name Long(m)1013 1006 塔古斯河 福斯...