Cystic fibrosis is now the most common cause of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and of pancreatic insufficiency in the first three decades of life in the United States. In this report we describe 75 patients with cystic fibrosis aged 18 to 47 years and review another 232 cases ...
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) constitutes a major global health burden and is the third leading cause of death worldwide. A high proportion of patients with COPD have cardiovascular disease, but there is also evidence that COPD is a risk factor for adverse outcomes in cardiovascular ...
Cystic fibrosis is now the most common cause of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and of pancreatic insufficiency in the 1st 3 decades of life in the United States. In this report 75 patients with cystic fibrosis aged 18-47 yr are described and another 232 cases reported in the ...
What is the etiology (cause) of the pulmonary embolism for a patient? The most common cause of heart failure is left ventricular __. What is the difference between a pulmonary embolus and a pulmonary infarct? The common results of respiratory failure are hypoxemia and a. hypercapnia. b. brad...
Cavities and Tooth Decay: Bacterial Causes of Common Dental Issues from Chapter 12 / Lesson 2 10K Bacteria are the most common cause of dental issues such as cavities and tooth decay. Learn about oral bacteria, dental caries, the role of strep...
Method: Revision of clinical histories of patients attended by a medicalised ambulance, August 07 – January 08 (115 patients). Variables analysed: age, sex, reason for consultation, time, date, diagnosis and referral. Results: The most common causes of dyspnoea requiring attendance in outpatient...
Dysfunction of one organ has impact on functions of other. In many studies, Cardiovascular disease constitutes the most common cause of death in COPD patients. Echocardiography is a simple, non-invasive tool to assess these changes Aim: To assess the Left Ventricular function abnormalities in COPD...
•Metabolicorautoimmunediseasemaycauseheartmuscleorvalvedamage •Highbloodpressureacceleratesatherosclerosis&mostothercardiacdisease •Cardiacvalvesareone-waygatesforbloodflow&aresusceptibletoobstruction®urgitation •Cardiacvalvesaresusceptibletoinfection•Abnormalembryonicdevelopmentoftheheartproducessignificant cardiac...
Acute lower respiratory infections cause most of the respiratory disease–associated deaths and, in terms of years of life lost (YLL) in sub-Saharan Africa, ranks second only to diarrheal diseases.10 The most common etiologies of childhood pneumonia in developing countries are summarized in Box 128...
Aortic and mitral regurgitation are the two most common types of valvular regurgitation. 8.3.7 Inflammatory heart disease Inflammatory heart disease (IHD) refers to a set of conditions that include myocarditis, pericarditis, and endocarditis [47]. Myocarditis: It is an inflammation or infection that...