The Casualties of War: Using Prisons to Solve the Drug Problem Hurts Not Just the Black and Latino Communities That Have Suffered the Most, but All of AmericaIn search of stories, we sniff the sewer of scandal; and aroused by the scent, we fearless journalists strike. So tell us, George...
On July 4th, 1863, American woke to the remains of perhaps the most consequential battle in American soil. It took place here on this ground in Gettysburg; three days of violence, three days of carnage, 50,000 casualties, wounded, captured, missing, or dead, over three days of fighting. ...
The number of casualties in the wars was, therefore, far greater than in any previous conflict in Greece's long history. 第二次伯罗奔尼撒战争中的战争变得更加复杂和更加致命,战争惯例被打破并导致了以前在希腊战争中无法想象的暴行。 平民越来越多地参与战争,整个公民的身体都可能被消灭,就像在维奥蒂亚...
Hitler's role as a messenger was actually considered perhaps the most dangerous task in trench warfare running from trench to trench, exposing himself to enemy fire. => 实际上,希特勒作为信使的角色,也许是在从战壕到战壕的战壕中最危险的任务,暴露在敌人的火力之下。 The mortality rate for messengers ...
The most destructive war in all of history, its exact cost in human lives is unknown, but casualties in World War II may have totaled over 60 million service personnel and civilians killed. Nations suffering the highest losses, military and civilian, in descending order, are: ...
In America, The United States passed the first national income tax to pay for war. 加特林机hearts;枪hearts;被发明出来,这改变了战争本身。 The gatling gun was invented, and war itself was changing. 布尔溪和威尔逊河令人震惊的伤亡数字, The shocking casualties of Bull Run and Wilsons Creek 在一...
As the nation honors the fallen, The Daily Beast crunches the numbers to figure out the state-by-state totals of those who made the ultimate sacrifice since World War II.
World War I Key People: Douglas Haig, 1st Earl Haig William Barker Show More Top Questions When did the First Battle of the Somme take place? What were the casualties of the First Battle of the Somme? Who fought in the First Battle of the Somme?
British forces stand in front of the sultan's palace after its bombardment during the 1896 Anglo-Zanzibar War. 在1896年盎格鲁-桑给巴尔战争期间,国外军队站在苏丹宫殿前。 For such a short war, there were a large, if lopsided, number of casualties. Roughly 500 Zanzibarian fighters lost their liv...
The 1702 campaign on the Rhine opened uneventfully, but the end of the summer saw a development that was in the next year to become one of the most important operations of the war. An imperial army under the margrave Louis William I of Baden, which had been gathered round theNeckar River...