or eight stars twinkle;Before the hills two or three raindrops sprinkle.There is an inn beside the village temple.Look!The winding path leads to the hut beside the brook.The Moon over the West River 西江月·夜行黄沙道中 [宋]辛弃疾 许渊冲(译 )Copyright ©博看网. All Rights Reserved.
西江月 The moon over the West River 朱敦儒 322024-07 3 迷神引 Song of enchantment 晁补之 292024-07 4 水龙吟 Water Dragon chant 晁补之 242024-07 5 苏慕遮 Waterbag dance 周邦彦 222024-07 6 台城游 The Terrace wallq贺铸 322024-07 7 踏莎行 Treading on grass贺铸 462024-07 8 梦江南 Dreaming of...
世事一场大梦, 人生几度秋凉。 夜来风叶已鸣廊, 看取眉头鬓上。 酒贱常愁客少, 月明多被云妨。 中秋谁与共孤光, 把盏凄然北望。 Tune: The Moon over the West River Su Shi Like dreams pass world affairs untold, How many autumns in our life are cold! My corridor is loud with wind-blown l...
The Moon over the West River Su Shi Wavelet on wavelet glimmers by the shore; Cloud on cloud dimly appears in the sky. Unsaddled is my white-jadelike horse; Drunk, asleep in the sweet grass I'll lie. My horse's hoofs may break, I'm afraid, ...
The misty rain on the river boundless without rippling. Recalling those days, we met at Xima Ttai Xuzhou talking and laughing. Looking today, I am pretty desolate in Nanpu without sparkling. Now we can't smell the fragrance of mumms without resentment, It's better to rely on the singers ...
The noble sentiment with grace has gone the clouds away, I and Pear flower won't share the same dream. 西江月·梅花 宋 苏轼 玉骨那愁瘴雾,冰姿自有仙风。 海仙时遣探芳丛。倒挂绿毛么凤。 素面翻嫌粉涴,洗妆不褪唇红。 高情已逐晓云空,不与梨花同梦。 xī jiāng yuè·méi huā sòng...
所属专辑:许渊冲画说宋词汉英 音频列表 1 鹧鸪天 Partridges in the sky 辛弃疾 18 2024-08 2 西江月 The moon over the West River 辛弃疾 17 2024-08 3 永遇乐 Joy of eternal union 辛弃疾 21 2024-08 4 水龙吟 Water dragon chant 辛弃疾 17
enjoy the gentle breeze by side. The street lamps cast a lonely shadow, I walk in a hurry for jobs juggle. Time wears out my fantasies to blight, I save them in poetry from dead. Fallen leaves shall not be my sad, I gloom over the past instead.” (The Moon Over the West River ...
Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra、Kenneth Schermerhorn - Moon Over the West River, Op. 14 专辑: FIRST CONTEMPORARY CHINESE COMPOSERS FESTIVAL 1986 (THE) [Rippon, Banowetz, Hong Kong Philharmonic, Schermerhorn, Jordan Tang] 歌手:Hong Kong Philharmonic OrchestraKenneth Schermerhorn...
The moon over the pool will in the west sink low. In the mist on the sea theslanting7moon will hide; It's a long way from northern hills to southern streams. How many can go home by moonlight on the tide? The setting moon sheds o'er riverside trees but dreams. ...