The moon is unique,sublimately beautiful and sixpence is common,vulgar ,often dirty. It shows the vulgar life of a stockbroker and a genius artist. Theme: Pressures: House loan Auto loan(车贷) House rent Price Competition(job hunting) ChildrenParents ... Social atmosphere: Slaves (house,car...
月亮与六便士The-Moonand-Sixpence TheMoonandSixpence Contents Author&worksPlots CharacterAnalysisTheme BeautifulSentencesComments TheAuthor WilliamSomersetMaugham(1874-1965)•Britishnovelist•Hisfatherwasalawyer,workingFrance,sohewasborninFrance.•Hewasadoptedbyhisuncleatage10.•Becauseofbeingshortandstutter...
Conflictss between ideality and reality: Review on the theme of Maugham's the moon and sixpence. Journal of Zhe Jiang Ocean University, 38-41. Loss, A. K. W. (1987). Somerset Maugham. New York: Frederick Ungar. Maugham, W. S. (1981). The moon and sixpence. Beijing: Beijing ...
23. The Moon and Sixpence by W. Somerset Maugham Based on the life of Paul Gauguin, "The Moon and Sixpence" is the story of Charles Strickland, an English banker who walks away from a life of privilege to pursue his passion to become a painter. Strickland leaves London for Paris and ul...
AbstractiHumanityexplorationisallalonganimportantthemeinliteraryworks.ByanalysingMaugham’Sthree well—knownnovelsofHumanBondage,TheMoonandSixpence,andTheRazor'sEdge,thepaperattemptsto interprettheprocessoftheheroes’humanityawakeningandspiritualfreedom.Theelaborationisalsomadeon Maugham’Srealdescriptionofhumanityandhis...
The moon and sixpence《月亮和六便士》读后感 The moon and sixpence The moon and sixpence, dramatic sense of conflict, typical British humor, people are always chasing the bright moonlight, praise it, love it, but always ignore the dim light, that sixpence. A typical English gentleman has done...
OfHumanBondage(1915)TheMoonandSixpence(1919)CakesandAle(1930)TheRazorsEdge(1944) longnovelsLizaofLambeth1897《兰姆贝思旳丽莎》Mrs.Craddock1902《克雷杜克夫人》TheBishopsApron1906《主教旳围巾》TheMagician1908《魔术师》OfHumanBondage1915《人生旳枷锁》TheMoonandSixpence1919《月亮和六便士》ThePaintedVeil1925《彩...
This is what Bernard Shaw himself says concerning the theme of the play: "In Widowers' Houses I have shown middle - class respectability and younger son gentility fattening on the poverty of the slum as flies fatten on filty." EXCERPT FROM THE PLAY: Act Ⅱ In the library of a handsomely...