The Monty Hall Problem 三门问题为何有名 之所以有名, 是它非常生动地运用了概率最基本和重要的概念和方法。 首先要记住 "概率都是各种情况下某事件发生的概率总和", 比如这个猜到车的概率 P(猜到车)=P(猜1∩车在1)+P(猜2∩车在2)+P(猜3∩车在3) =P(车在1)P(猜1|车在1)+P(车在2)P(猜2|...
网络释义 1. 蒙提霍尔问题 蒙提霍尔问题(The Monty Hall problem)有可能是历史上最富争议的概率问题。问题很简单,但正确答案与人们的直觉完全不 …|基于7个网页
The Monty Hall Problem iTunes This course is an introduction to probabilistic modeling, including random processes and the basic elements of statistical inference.
The Monty Hall Problem: This problem is loosely based on a situation that occurred in the tv show "Let's Make a Deal." Let's say you're on a game show and the host presents you with three doors. One has a shiney new car behind it, and the other two have goats. The object (of...
Mathematicians call it the Monty Hall Problem, and it is one of the most interesting mathematical brain teasers of recent times. Imagine that you face three doors, behind one of which is a prize. You choose one but do not open it. The host--call him Monty Hall--opens a different door...
2. The Monty Hall Paradox 2.1 Problem 2.2 Paradox and Explaination 3. Geogebra Display 3.1 Work on Main Menu 3.2 Simulation via Spreadsheet 4. Discussion Introduction:The Monty Hall Paradox(亦称蒙提霍尔悖论,三门问题)是一个非常经典的,且具有很强迷惑性的概率问题。在新课改教材中,简单的贝叶斯公式(...
The Monty Hall Problem gets its name from the TV game show,Let's Make A Deal, hosted by Monty Hall1. The scenario is such: you are given the opportunity to select one closed door of three, behind one of which there is a prize. The other two doors hide “goats” (or some other ...
L. Depuydt, "The Monty Hall Problem and Beyond: Digital-Mathematical and Cognitive Analysis in Boole's Algebra, Including an Extension and Generalization to Related Cases" [see note 1], p. 148.L. Depuydt, “The Monty Hall Problem and Beyond: Digital-Mathematical and Cognitive Analysis in ...
There is one commonsense explanation that statistics professors will often provide if you tell them you’re confused about the Monty Hall problem. Imagine there are 100 doors instead of three. Only one has a car behind it, and the other 99 have goats. You select a door, say, number 1...
This question was dubbed the Monty Hall problem in a 1975 letter to the journalAmerican Statisticianby Steve Selvin, however, an equivalent problem called the Three Prisoner Problem was published in a 1959 edition ofScientific American. The problem came to the attention of the public and caused ...