从字面意思上看是猴子生意的意思,但实际表达的意思是 捉弄。可以这样想,猴子给我们都是一种调皮,精灵的形象。所以monkey的隐喻就是 捣蛋鬼,淘气鬼的,这个短语的意思就是捉弄,做恶作剧的意思。 例句 Stop the monkey business and get some new ones. 别再胡闹了,买些新的吧。 After the teacher left, there ...
目前,Monkey Business在中国的业务主要由欢欣屋公司代理,他们凭借精湛的设计技术和独特的艺术视角,持续为国内市场注入新鲜的设计活力。这个充满活力的工作室,通过其独特的设计语言,讲述着他们与生俱来的Monkey Business。
会员专区 游戏 快捷访问 历史 创作 客户端 00:00 00:00 480P 倍速 当前缓冲中 下载客户端缓存视频不卡顿 The Monkey Business传球实验 收藏 分享 手机看 侵权/举报 The Monkey Business传球实验 2017年3月20日发布 01:41 The Monkey Business传球实验 ...
The author offers opinions on altruism, congratulating philanthropists Bill and Melinda Gates for their charitable giving and fundraising and expressing skepticism on research indicating altruistic behavior in monkeys.SAPOLSKYROBERTM.(AUTHOR)EBSCO_bspWall Street Journal Eastern Edition...
monkey (redirected frommonkey business) Dictionary Thesaurus Medical Financial Idioms Wikipedia monkey,any of a large and varied group of mammals of theprimateorder. The termmonkeyincludes all primates that do not belong to the categories human, ape, or prosimian; however, monkeys do have certain ...
所以,monkey around就有“到处闲逛,无所事事”的意思,也可以译为“胡闹”。 It is dangerous tomonkey aroundin the workshop. 在车间里胡闹是危险的。 monkey business monkey business是一种比喻用法,即猴把戏,指不靠谱行为,可译为“恶作剧、捣乱”: ...
On getting competitive with scene-stealing co-star Crystal the monkey (“The Hangover 2”): Believe me, in the beginning, I won't lie, there was some jealousy, a little competitiveness – and that was just from her. I think we both think we're the star of the show, but I had a ...
The Monkey Business Illusion 2016年11月18日发布 05:16 The Monkey Business Illusion 讨论 登录参与讨论 这里的评论内容走失了 请检查网络后,点击空白处重试特色推荐 杀毒软件 软件下载 手机版 Windows版 Mac版 iPad版 TV版 服务 客服 反馈 侵权投诉 VIP采购 腾讯视频隐私保护指引 腾讯视频用户服务协议 腾讯...
Daniel Simons’s presentation of “The Monkey Business Illusion” at the Best Illusion of the Year contest in 2010. He gave the presentation while wearing a gorilla suit. Most of the vision scientists in the audience knew about the original gorilla video, and yet most still missed one or bot...