据外媒 Vccircle报道,近日,母婴个人护理产品初创公司「The Moms Co」获得了 300 万美元融资,此轮融资是 B 轮融资的扩展,投资者包括现有投资者早期风险投资公司 Saama Capital、DSG Consumer Partners、食品初创公司 Fingerlix 和饮料公司 PaperBoat 的联合创始人 Shripad Nadkarni。此外,男性美容创业公司 Beardo 的...
近日,36氪获悉,印度母婴护理消费品提供商The Moms Co完成500万美元的B轮融资,资方为印度早期项目风投基金Saama Capital和印度东南亚以消费者为中心的风投基金DSG。The Moms Co表示,公司将利用B轮融资扩大其产品范围和线下业务,同时提升生产技术和效率。The Moms Co成立于2017年3月,主要通过线上平台销售天然无毒的母婴...
近日,36氪获悉,印度母婴护理消费品提供商The Moms Co完成500万美元的B轮融资。资方为印度早期项目风投基金Saama Capital和印度东南亚以消费者为中心的风投基金DSG。 The Moms Co成立于2017年3月,主要通过线上平台销售天然无毒的母婴护理产品。其创始人Malika和Mohit是一对夫妻,Malika曾在ICICI担任银行家,Mohit曾在印度...
总部位于印度德里的母婴儿护理消费品初创公司The Moms Co宣布完成了一笔500万美元的B轮融资,投资方为此前曾投资过该公司的DSG Consumer Partners和Saama Capital。得益于这笔最新融资,该公司将在未来的一年半时间里扩大产品范围,同时加速技术研发和线下业务。 The Moms Co公司成立于两年前,他们主要通过线上平台销售无...
Also ranks #2 on The Most Beautiful Moms In Hollywood Also ranks #5 on The Most Beautiful Full-Figured Women on Earth Also ranks #9 on Celebrities Who Have Aged the Best 37,910 votes Is she beautiful? Photo: Fred Duval Shutterstock.com 44 Angelina Jolie Angelina Jolie, an American actress...
You can also purchase these items individually, in smaller sets, or get them personalized with name initials or a company logo. For Moms, Sisters, And Wives For the women of your life, we recommend checking out some of our more bright and fun color options. This colorful desk set for ...
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Another fine example of McNeill’s Law, courtesy of “Moms for Liberty”. Almost 30 years before he was caught, then another 6.5 before trial. Cops, robots, “alternative medicine”, Mike Nesmith, and much more. I think we have enough evidence to start calling this “McNeill’s Law”. ...
Modern-day moms face a unique set of challenges from raising children in a digital-first world to navigating relationships with in-laws and extended family during a pandemic. The Every Mom is a lifestyle brand that caters to this audience in every way. ...
Moms Deborah Finck’s daughter shares signs her late mom has sent: “My mom’s watching over me” YouTube Celebrity Kylie Kelce on how to deal with your sports-obsessed partner: ‘It’s not just a game’ TODAY Illustration Teens