A few companies, including U.K.-based Intimask and The Modesty Shop in Canada now design garments exclusively to help actors feel comfortable in near-nude moments like Cena's at the Oscars. In the U.S., Covvier, founded by a pair of set costumers, sells a range of products, including...
although I think it'd work just about anywhere. And it could be just the label for this word lovers site. You can search through more than 357,000 abbreviations and acronyms in more than 130 categories. Search for an exact phrase, the beginning of a phrase, do a reverse look up,...
and here we are looking at a rum from one of them, That Boutique-y Rum Co. This offshoot of Atom Brands (which runs the Masters of Malt online shop in the UK) is almost like a masterclass in pressing all the marketing buttons at once...
The Ad Herennium author suggests litotes as a means of expressing modesty [downplaying one’s accomplishments]. “I am the greatest thing America has ever seen. George Washington would’ve been my court jester, like JD was. Frankly, the new Golden Age is upon us. The deficit is a thing ...
Prospective employers would ask me, for example, “How will playing the bassoon help you work efficiently on the spice rack assembly line? Too bad you didn’t major in wood shop.” I would try to explain that my background with the bassoon would make my fingers nimble. But, I would be...
While women have been legally obliged to cover their hair and adapt Islamic rules of modesty in clothing since the revolution in 1979, they have never faced limitations when it comes to driving, voting and access to education. They also occupy some top political jobs – three of President Hass...
male body, and male nudity, is almost always centered on the groin area; you could depict a male completely nude as long as there was a fig leaf over the genitals. A lot of Renaissance paintings and sculptures at one point had “modesty leaves” placed over make genitals–and why is ...
canada.com "Just the other day, I ran into yet another pesky acronym. Since it was in a trade magazine, the editors must have believed, I suppose, that all readers would be savvy enough to know what it meant. Since I wasn't among that elite group, however, I went toSTANDS4.com—...
1. Be mindful of what “modesty” in fashion entails The idea of modesty differs across religions, culture and even individuals. For some, only a headscarf might be necessary. Others may prefer longer sleeves and higher neck lines. A few may choose to wear clothing that covers thei...
Often, the label is subsidised by the owner working for a bigger label, record shop or doing PR. None of their releases are successful because the label has no money for promotion. There’s neither radio play nor reviews in the musical equivalent of a Boulevard Of Broken Dreams. I’ve ...