内容提示: PART TWO:AMERICAN LITERATURE Chapter 3 The Modern Period 概述 (一)两次世界大战期间美国文学产生的历史文化背景 1.两次世界大战 The twentieth century began with a strong sense of social breakdown. A series of wars fought on the international scene during the first part of the century ...
1. Modern period: from the second half of the 19th century and the early decades of the 20th century. 2. The social, historical background of the modern English literature: First World War tremendously weakened the British Empire and brought about great sufferings to its people as well The ...
6、especially in modern American literature. They were basically expatriates who left America and formed a community of writers and artists in Paris, involved with other European novelists and poets in their experimentation on new modes of though and expression. These writers were named by an Americ...
Among these young writers were the most prominent figures in American literature, especially in modern American literature. They were basically expatriates who left America and formed a community of writers and artists in Paris, involved with other European novelists and poets in their experimentation ...
36. His poetic achievement stands at the center of modern literature.他是最优秀的英文诗人之一,是现代文学的中流砥柱。 37. Yeats has achieved suggestive patterns of meaning by a careful counterpointing of contrasting ideas or images.叶芝还实现了意义的深邃暗含,因为他将反差极大的意象对应起来。 38.“...
文学periodmodern近代modernism时期 TheModernPeriod(近代时期) 本章概述 一.20世纪批判现实主义文学和现代主义文学产生的历史、文化背景; 二.该时期文学创作的基本特征、基本主张; 三、对现当代英国文学的影响; 四、主要作家作品。 文学史分析 一、TheculturalBackground 1、Inthemid-19thcentury,KarlMarx马克思andFriedr...
American literature between the two world wars The Modern Period * * 1. 识记: A.两次世界大战期间美国文学产生的历史及文化背景 (1)两次世界大战 (2)移居国外的美国人 (3)马克思主义理论和弗洛伊德学说 (4)欧洲现代派艺术 B.战后美国文学产生的历史及文化背景 * * 2. 领会: A. 两次世界大战期间的美国...
A. The leading playwright of the modern period in American literature is Eugene O' Nell 尤金奥尼尔 . For his tragic view of life and most of his plays are about the root , the truth of human desires and human frustration . B. Arthur Miller 阿瑟米勒and Tennessee Williams 田纳西威廉姆斯...
Chapter 5 The Modern Period 一。识记: 1. The social, ideological background of the modern English literature: (1) The influences of the two World Wars on English literature: Modernism rose out of skepticism and disillusion of capitalism. The First World War and the Second World War had great...
1)the 20th century American literature 20世纪的文学运动 2)there was a spiritual crisis 出现精神信仰危机 3)书本P547页中间一段,中文意思大致内容:产生了一批志愿参加一战的青年,想打一场“终结所有战争的战争”,但他们的英雄主义被现实打败。后来他们把自己的战争经历写下,成为了杰出的美国文学作家。这...