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Barcus MJ, Basri H, Picarima H, Manyakori C, Sekartuti , Elyazar I, Bangs MJ, Maguire JD, Baird JK: Demographic risk factors for severe and fatal vivax and falciparum malaria among hospital admissions in Northeastern Indonesian Papua. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2007, 77: 984-991. PubMed Googl...
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Huda TM, Alam A, Tahsina T, Hasan MM, Khan J, Rahman MM, Siddique AB, Arifeen S, El, Dibley MJ. Mobile-based nutrition counseling and unconditional cash transfers for improving maternal and child nutrition in Bangladesh: pilot study. JMIR mHealth uHealth. 2018;6(7):e156. Article PubMe...
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