The metaphysical definition of a miracleMorgan Luck
In Mark’s gospel, this is the last miracle performed by Jesus before he goes to his death in Jerusalem. It marks the fatal turning point between his ministry and his Passion. It is our Lord’s last act, his last word, before he begins the Way of the Cross. To the world, that loo...
Is this really the end of the German miracle, or another of those episodes when what looks like a fatal weakness one decade will turn out to be just what is needed the next? As the author says in the prologue, “A British journalist and friend of mine warned me not to write this boo...
After an introduction to the general topics of neurolaw, this chapter will focus in particular on the concept of criminal responsibility. We will see that not the concept of causation, but knowledge and conscious control are central to this. This corresponds to a notion of minimal rationality of...
The gate had taken us to a miracle. This star was big enough to fill the solar system from the Sun to the orbit of Neptune; bright enough to shine like the full moon, even from the distance of Alpha Centauri. Yet here I was, unblinded. ...
After he’d left us we saw him fly over the lake, just like a bat, his thoughts absorbing him, not even understanding that this flight was a miracle. His cassock, the hem of his cassock is wet! That amazes him. And here are two poems by contemporary American poets. I’m not ...
Counter-Enlightenment Piety versus Moralism. Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Defining Religion as the valence of conflicting human values.
Taste of the cheer, But as birds drink, and straight lift up their head, So he must sip and think Of better drink He may attain to, after he is dead. But as his joyes are double; So is his trouble. He hath two winters, other things but one: ...
Clearly it does not mean that such a reversal is conceptually impossible—if a person claims to have witnessed a miracle of resurrection, one may be fairly sure that the claim is false, but one cannot reject it as absurd a priori [53].Footnote 28 But it also does not mean that the ...
The 2012 Jesus would need to perform yet another miracle, provide us with an ‘app’ to make us believers. So recently I started focusing on potential applications for the swastika. And I started to find miracles that any human could employ in a Self –RESCUE ME program on the nano-scal...