The Story for Children is not just another collection of Bible stories - it is The Story - the big picture of God s enormous love for his children! Presented by bestselling author and Pastor Max Lucado with Randy Frazee and Karen Hill, these 48 pivotal stories show how God has a great ...
Now you can unlock the secrets of two most mysterious books in the Bible. No one ever said Daniel and Revelation were easy to understand, but these books put together the puzzle of their different prophecies so that you can see what God plans for your future. [Request more info]...
THIS is app of true stories from bible. The stories give you a history of the world from when God began to create until right up to our present day. They even tell about what God promises to do in the future. this will help you understand more about the bible and the past stories i...
The Best Science Books for Children: the 2023 Royal Society Young People’s Book Prize, recommended by Usha Goswami Read 1 Bodies, Brains & Bogies by Paul Ian Cross & Steve Brown (illustrator) Read 2 Live Like a Hunter Gatherer Naomi Walmsley, Mia Underwood (illustrator) ...
• Talks about the biblical view of love that comes from God. • Language: English (text and audio) • Available on iPad, iPhone and Mac • Bible Verse in the story: It was fitting to celebrate and be glad, for this your brother was dead, and is alive; he was lost, and is...
You might wonder what angels look like. Well, there is no clear answer to this. When people saw angels in Bible times they were often afraid at first (imagine if you saw an angel all of a sudden). I think its okay to imagine angels as friendly, beautiful creatures that help us. ...
Prepared by William Earnhardt forSabbath School Class, February 15, 2025. Main Theme: Many atheists identify the problem of evil as the reason that they are atheists. But as we will see in this week and in coming weeks, the God of the Bible is entirely good, and we can trust Him—...
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The ministry has expanded over the years to include dental and eye clinics, Kids’ Clubs, a school for six hundred children, and a radio station[5]. Manymiraculousprovisions have contributed to the flourishing of Diospi Suyana. For example, in January 2006, while Klaus was in Germany on a...
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