在「有钱人想的跟你不一样」这本书里,作者「T.Harv Eker」提出来了16条致富宣言,只要每天大声读一次,你离致富的脚步将会明显的进一大步,顺便将原文英文版「Secrets of the millionaire Mind」列出来,帮助你一边致富又可以学习到好的积极向上的英文美句,让你的生命磁场变的更不同! Place your hand on your ...
Like I said, there's more to this little book than just becoming a millionaire. Here's just a fraction of what you're getting... The truth about how wealth is created,and why its got nothing to do with hard work! Learn the true causes of success and wealth, so you cancreate whatev...
It was safe to visit her as long as he didn't do it too often. But now that he was in town he figured he would pick up his sister Connie and take her out to Long Beach. He knew Carlo would be working at his book and the cheap bastard wouldn't get her a car. So he'd give...
1)富人认为“我创造我的生活”;穷人认为“生活安排了我”。( 2)富人力图使自己变富;穷人做梦想变富。( 3)富人往大处着想;穷人往小处打算。( 4)富人专注于寻找机会;穷人尽想着困难重重。( 5)富人欣赏别的富人或成功人士;穷人憎恨富人和成功人士。( 6)富人与成功者交友;穷人与穷人搭伴。( 7)富人愿意不断...
Stainburn, Samantha
> 我来写笔记 > Secrets of the Millionaire Mind 作者: T. Harv Eker 副标题: Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth isbn: 0060763280 书名: Secrets of the Millionaire Mind 页数: 224 定价: USD 21.99 出版社: HarperBusiness 出版年: 2005-2-15 装帧: Hardcover©...
beaten.The Millionaire Mind promises to be as transformational as Dr. Stanley's previous best-seller. This book answers universal questions with solid statistical evidence in an approachable, and anecdotal style. The number of copies sold of this soon-to-be-classic will surely be in the millions...
书名:Secrets of the Millionaire Mind有钱人想的和你不一样 作者:T. Harv Eker 出版社名称:Harper Collins 出版时间:2007 语种:英语 ISBN:9780061336454 商品尺寸:10.6 x 1.4 x 17.1 cm 包装:平装 页数:224(以实物为准) Review "If you want to learn about the root cause of success, read Secrets of...
Tod’s a fool—a born fool.Always doing something like this.Drives every millionaire away from this place, because he can’t tell a millionaire from a tramp, and never could.Ah, here’s the thing I am after.Please get those things off, sir, and throw them in the fire.Do me the ...
《Secrets of the Millionaire Mind 有钱人想的和你不一样 英文原版》作者:HarperCollins US,出版社:2005年2月 第1版,ISBN:68.20。SECRETSOFTHEMILLIONAIREMINDrevealsthemissinglinkbe