millionaire (redirected fromMillionare) Thesaurus mil·lion·aire (mĭl′yə-nâr′) n. A person whose wealth amounts to at least a million dollars, pounds, or the equivalent in other currency. [Frenchmillionnaire, frommillion,million, from Old Frenchmilion; seemillion.] ...
Hughes was a prolific novelist, playwright, and author of magazine fiction whose strongest tie to Hollywood was through his nephew, the millionaire and budding film producer Howard Hughes. Hughes was also then in the midst of writing a well-regarded multi-volume biography of George Washington. Vic...
Also during this time, Klaus and Tina moved their family of five into a mud home in the village of Curahuasi, a village strategically located between three Peruvian cities. By May 2005, the Johns were participating in a miracle: the ground-breaking for Diospi Suyana Hospital—a project that...
And how does this millionaire manipulate the opinion to forward the idea of new libertarian political party that he sponsors? Do these journalists have any chance for the truth to prevail? Are they even in danger? It’s built as a thriller and it captivated me right from the start. Excellen...
OVER in flood-devastated Houston a millionaire TV evangelist refused to open his megachurch to shelter those made homeless by Hurricane Harvey. Man of God far from Christian Some Evangelicals claimed Stanley was picking the wrong side on the so-called war on Christmas.(
apartment BATNA build wealth Business business failure business growth Capitalization Rate CAP Rate cash flow Creating Wealth Discipline entrepreneur entrepreneurship excel extra cash Featured Growing Business investing investment real estate leadership management marketing Marketing KPIs Millionaire millionaire next ...
The charming ambience of the “old days” has rendered many of these former industrial spaces into mixed use buildings- and many of them are now the exclusive and dearly held apartments of millionaire dilettantes. According to one Forbes magazine report in 2006, this was the most expensive sect...
Had I done so I may well have mined enough Bitcoin to be a multi-millionaire by now. Call me Captain Hindsight!Now I won't get into a protracted explanation about how Bitcoin works or we'll be here all day. For the purposes of explaining my epiphany it's sufficient just to know ...
Over the next ten years, the Bussaus became parents to two daughters. His boss retired and David purchased his shares of the company. Soon he ownedthreeconstruction companies, and reached the status of millionaire—before his thirty-fifth birthday. ...
my life however, this was 2009 and I was in the process of moving from one side of Spain to another having met a new lady on Facebook. I never returned to the article. Had I done so I may well have mined enough Bitcoin to be a multi-millionaire by now. Call me Captain Hindsight...