58 p. Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note 百万英镑【精选-PPT】 58 p. Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note 百万英镑【PPT】 69 p. 【精品】必修三Unit3 The Million Pound Bank Note ——百万英镑 发表评论 验证码: 换一张 匿名评论 提交 关于...
The million pounds note 百万英镑解析 TheMillionPoundsNote Groupmember:Miko,Sing,Krystal,Daniel,DaisyDeng 1 Introductionoftheauthor MarkTwain SamuelLanghorneClemens(Nov30,1835-Apr21,1910)0102 Asawriter 03 04 ThesourceofthepennameThefamouslieraryworks Thefamouslieraryworks TheMillionsPoundsNoteThe...
Henry,a penniless American businessman,landed in Britain by accident.(事情的起因)Wandering in London,he was given a letter with"The Million Pound Bank Note".【高分句型一】(收到百万英镑)His life changed greatly because of this note.【高分句型二】People were polite to him and respected him.(...
TheMillionPoundBanNote人物性格分析 TheMillionPoundBanNote人物性格分析 1 Enjoyingthefilm 2 WhatindofpersonisHenry •善良的•热心的•粗心的•诚实的•勤劳的•友好的 ind 温和的easygoing warm-hearted有礼貌的gentle careless无私的selfless honest 直率的direct hard-woring大方的generous friendly 自豪的...
THE MILLION POUND BANK NOTE ACT I, SCENE3《百万英镑》第一幕,第3场Narrator: Two rich brothers, Roderick and Oliver, have made a betOliver believes that with a million-pound bank note a man could livea month in London. His brother Roderick doubtsit They see a pooryoung man walking outsid...
人教版高中英语必修三unit3TheMillionPoundBandNote课文详解.docx,必修三 Unit 3 The Million Pound Band Note 百万英镑 Act I, Scene 3 Narrator: It is the summer of 1903. 这是 1903 年的夏天。 Two old and wealthy brothers, Roderick and Oliver, have made a
The-Million-Pound-Bank-Note--百万英镑解析.ppt,The Million Pound Bank Note;;;1. I know him . 2. I know who he is . ;;2. 当宾语从句是一般疑问句时,由连词whether或if引导〔口语中常用if〕,由于if/whether翻译成:“是否”,具有确定的意义,
⼈教版⾼中英语必修三unit3TheMillionPoundBandNote课⽂详解 必修三Unit 3 The Million Pound Band Note百万英镑 Act I, Scene 3 Narrator: It is the summer of 1903.这是1903年的夏天。Two old and wealthy brothers, Roderick and Oliver, have made a bet.两个年迈⽽富有的兄弟:罗德⾥克和奥利弗...
高中英语必修三Unit8 The Million Pound Bank Note 要点解析 高中英语The解析词汇考纲一,词汇过关 【考纲释义】n.(戏剧)一场;场面;现场;景色.周静华北理工大学附属医院VIP中学生英语:高一高二版