Milestones Museum The Vyne Basing House Eastrop Park Willis Museum and Sainsbury Gallery The Anvil War Memorial Park Whitchurch Silk Mill Stratfield Saye House Watership Down Odiham Castle Silchester Roman Walls Bombay Sapphire Distillery Basingstoke Leisure Park Crabtree Plantation...
若想要游览温奇菲尔德,温奇菲尔德旅馆将会是一个不错的的住宿之选。酒店地理位置优越,距离布莱克布什机场6km,距离Winchfield200m。附近很多景点,包括St Mary's Churcy、St Mary's Church和Odiham Common都离酒店不远。酒店坐落于West Green House边,附近还有很多景点包括St Johns和Gallery Fifty Five。查看更多 ...