Milky Way n. 1.The galaxy containing the sun, solar system, and all of the individually visible stars in the night sky, along with various nebulae, star clusters, and dust clouds, thought to have a super-massive black hole at its center of mass. ...
The idea of shooting an old monastery under the Milky Way in the Spanish mountains was just hanging around my head for months. I was fascinated by the idea of planning this image; having the Milky Way arch above the ancient and lonely bell tower. The monastery was an Augustinian convent fo...
1.containing milk.milky coffee.con leche milk in appearance.A milky substance.lechoso ˈmilkinessnoun aspecto lechoso ˈmilkmaidnoun formerly, a woman employed to milk cows by hand.ordeñadora ˈmilkmannoun a man who delivers milk.lechero ...
The Milky Wayconcerns the travels of two tramps, Pierre and Jean, on their way to Santiago in hopes of begging alms from the devout come to see the bones of St. James. The two are worldly men. The younger man is an atheist. The older is casually pious, but not above stealing a ham...
Milky Way Prince is a semi-autobiographical story entirely designed, programmed, illustrated, and scored by a young author, Lorenzo Redaelli. "During my experience with a borderline partner, I thought that falling in love with him was like becoming part of a binary star system. It’s the rare...
King Michu, the founder of the house of Kim of the Shilla dynasty and the Milky Way TheMilkyWay was an ideal founder of the royal house so King Michu was called Seonghan which meant the Milky Way. There was another reason that they ... Chung,Yeon-Sik - 《Journal of Korean Ancient ...
Milky Way Prince is a semi-autobiographical story entirely designed, programmed, illustrated, and scored by a young author, Lorenzo Redaelli. "During my experience with a borderline partner, I thought that falling in love with him was like becoming part of a binary star system. It’s the rare...
What could driving a race car and pointing a camera at the Milky Way have incommon?More than you might imagine.Race car driver Bubba Wallace and photographerBatak Tefreshi journeyed together to remote Gooseberry Mesa for an adventure aimed atcapturing the night sky. ...
Milky Way Over the Spanish Peaks Explanation:That's not lightning, and it did not strike between those mountains. The diagonal band is actually the central band of our Milky Way Galaxy, while the twin peaks are actually called theSpanish Peaks-- but located inColorado,USA. Although eachSpanish...
Spanish / EspañolSelect a language: batidolicuado milk (milk) noun a white liquid produced by female mammals as food for their young. The commonest source of milk is the cow.leche verb to obtain milk from. The farmer milks his cows each day.ordeñarˈmilky adjective 1. containing mil...