II: Migration and Risk Part III: A Relative Deprivation Approach to Migration Part IV: Labour Migration Under Alternative Informational Regimes Part V: Migrants' Remittances: Motives, Consequences and Inequality Implications Part VI: Planning with Migration Part VII: The Economic Performance of Migrants...
The New Economics of Labour MigrationOdedStark. 1991. The Migration of Labor Oxford: Basil Blackwell, x, 406 pp., 40.00 hbkdoi:10.1111/apv.361008LodewijksUniversityJohnUniversityWileyPacific Viewpoint
In the 1930s, a combination of droughts, the depression, and the increased mechanization of farming prompted a migration of small farmers and laborers from Arkansas, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas to the W United States. It was estimated that this type of permanent migrant worker, without home, ...
Kleinman, Mark. "The Economic Impact of Labour Migration." Ed. Sarah Spencer. The Politics of Migration: Managing Opportunity Conflict and Change. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2003.59-75.Kleinman M, 2003, `The Economic Impact of Labour Migration', in Spencer S, The Politics of Migration: ...
cf. in this context Commission of the European Communities: Programme of action in favour of migrant workers and their families, in: Bulletin of the European Communities, Supplement 3/76). About this Article Title The significance of labour migration for the workers' countries of origin Journal...
There is currently a large knowledge gap about intra-European labour migration. Existing scholarship focuses overwhelmingly on the movement of workers from East to West Europe. Commentators are caught up in a debate over whether such movement is best understood in terms of social dumping and hence ...
Migration and the Labour Market in Asia 2002This book reviews recent developments in migration trends and policies of Australia; China; Hong Kong, China; Chinese Taipei; Indonesia; Japan; Korea; Malaysia; the Philippines; Singapore; Thailand and Vietnam. It highlights the contribution of immigration...
migrationimmigrationlabor lawemployment discriminationinvoluntary servitudeThis chapter argues that the combination of US employment and immigration laws create a system for the exploitation of immigrant workers that runs counter to thMaria L. Ontiveros...
Human Trafficking is on the rise in part due to the dramatic expansion of labour migration in the neoliberal era. The global migrant worker population grew from 175 million in 2000 to 232 million in 2013(UNESDA, 2013a). The GCC has more than 22 million migrant workers who are required to...
Foreign labour migration and the remittance economy of Nepal. Critical Asian Studies. 2002; 34 (1):19–40. doi: 10.1080/146727102760166581. [ Cross Ref ]Seddon, D., Adhikari, J., & Gurung, G. (2002). Foreign labour migration and the remittance economy of Nepal. Critical Asian Studies, ...